Calculator:Magic/Making tablets

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This calculator estimates the profit of making magic tablets using runes at a lectern in a player-owned house.

Making magic tablets

A player creates tablets with a marble lectern.

Magic tablets are created from soft clay using a lectern in a player-owned house. A player brings the runes for the spell (elemental staves can be used) and the soft clay to the appropriate lectern in their own or another player's house. By clicking on the lectern an interface will appear showing the magic tablets that can be constructed at that lectern. After selecting a spell, the clay changes into a stackable magic tablet and the magic tablet selection window disappears.

Making magic tablets requires that the player has the appropriate Magic level.

Tablets take 4 seconds each to make.

Profit table

Tablet Price Materials Materials Cost Materials Cost (w/staff) XP Lecterns Requirements Profit Per Tablet Profit Per Tablet (w/staff)
Varrock teleport (tablet) 462 Law rune
Air rune x 3
Fire rune
Soft clay
256 236 35 Any lectern 25 Magic 206 226
Enchant sapphire or opal 122 Cosmic rune
Water rune
Soft clay
220 215 17.5 Any lectern 7 Magic −98 −93
Enchant emerald or jade 523 Cosmic rune
Air rune x 3
Soft clay
230 215 17.5 Demon lectern
Teak demon lectern
Mahogany demon lectern
Marble lectern
27 Magic 293 308
Enchant ruby or topaz 826 Cosmic rune
Fire rune x 5
Soft clay
240 215 44.5 Teak demon lectern
Mahogany demon lectern
Marble lectern
49 Magic 586 611
Enchant diamond 363 Cosmic rune
Earth rune x 10
Soft clay
265 215 51 Teak demon lectern
Mahogany demon lectern
Marble lectern
57 Magic 98 148
Enchant dragonstone 252 Cosmic rune
Earth rune x 15
Water rune x 15
Soft clay
365 215 58.5 Mahogany demon lectern
Marble lectern
68 Magic −113 37
Enchant onyx 539 Cosmic rune
Earth rune x 20
Fire rune x 20
Soft clay
415 215 72.5 Mahogany demon lectern
Marble lectern
87 Magic 124 324
Bones to bananas (tablet) 575 Nature rune
Earth rune x 2
Water rune x 2
Soft clay
236 216 25 Demon lectern
Teak demon lectern
Mahogany demon lectern
Marble lectern
15 Magic 339 359
Bones to peaches (tablet) 974 Nature rune x 2
Earth rune x 4
Water rune x 5
Soft clay
368 323 35.5 Mahogany demon lectern
Marble lectern
15 Magic
Bones to Peaches unlocked from the Mage Training Arena
606 651
Lumbridge teleport (tablet) 497 Law rune
Air rune x 3
Earth rune
Soft clay
256 236 41 Eagle lectern
Teak eagle lectern
Mahogany eagle lectern
Marble lectern
31 Magic 241 261
Falador teleport (tablet) 485 Law rune
Air rune x 3
Water rune
Soft clay
256 236 48 Eagle lectern
Teak eagle lectern
Mahogany eagle lectern
Marble lectern
37 Magic 229 249
Camelot teleport (tablet) 473 Law rune
Air rune x 5
Soft clay
261 236 55.5 Teak eagle lectern
Mahogany eagle lectern
Marble lectern
45 Magic 212 237
Ardougne teleport (tablet) 397 Law rune x 2
Water rune x 2
Soft clay
373 363 61 Teak eagle lectern
Mahogany eagle lectern
Marble lectern
51 Magic
Completion of Plague City
24 34
Watchtower teleport (tablet) 741 Law rune x 2
Earth rune x 2
Soft clay
373 363 68 Mahogany eagle lectern
Marble lectern
58 Magic
Completion of Watchtower quest
368 378
Teleport to house (tablet) 493 Law rune
Air rune
Earth rune
Soft clay
246 236 30 Mahogany eagle lectern
Marble lectern
40 Magic 247 257

Arceuus spells can only be made at the Ouditor's house lectern in Arceuus. You must be on the Arceuus spellbook to craft them.

Arceuus teleport tablets
Tablet Price Materials Materials Cost XP Requirements Profit Per Tablet
Arceuus library teleport (tablet) 1,688 Law rune
Earth rune x 2
Dark essence block
137 10 6 Magic 1,551
Draynor manor teleport (tablet) 1,673 Law rune
Earth rune
Water rune
Dark essence block
137 16 17 Magic 1,536
Mind altar teleport (tablet) 1,681 Law rune
Mind rune x 2
Dark essence block
133 22 28 Magic 1,548
Salve graveyard teleport (tablet) 2,372 Law rune
Soul rune x 2
Dark essence block
473 30 40 Magic 1,899
Fenkenstrain's castle teleport (tablet) 2,294 Law rune
Earth rune
Soul rune
Dark essence block
305 50 48 Magic 1,989
West ardougne teleport (tablet) 2,499 Law rune x 2
Soul rune x 2
Dark essence block
605 68 61 Magic 1,894
Harmony island teleport (tablet) 2,388 Law rune
Soul rune
Nature rune
Dark essence block
407 74 65 Magic 1,981
Cemetery teleport (tablet) 2,720 Law rune
Soul rune
Blood rune
Dark essence block
514 82 71 Magic 2,206
Barrows teleport (tablet) 2,828 Law rune x 2
Soul rune x 2
Blood rune
Dark essence block
814 90 83 Magic 2,014
Ape atoll teleport (tablet) 2,869 Law rune x 2
Soul rune x 2
Blood rune x 2
Dark essence block
1,028 100 90 Magic 1,841

Ancient teleport tablets can be created after completion of Desert Treasure I. Please note that the calculator does NOT include the cost of Pyramid Plunder artifacts to recharge the sceptre, the cost of Stamina potions, or the cost of Rings of Dueling to teleport to the Ferox Enclave; profit per tablet will be different if crafting without the sceptre or banking with the crafting cape, for example. Without the sceptre, one can assume 15 trips made per hour (360 tablets), and an additional cost of 44,273.00 per hour in potions, rings, and carpet fare. With the sceptre, one can assume about 35 trips per hour (910 tablets), and an additional cost of 34,593.00 per hour in stone seals and rings.

Ancient teleport tablets
Tablet Price Materials Materials Cost XP Requirements Profit Per Tablet
Paddewwa teleport (tablet) 889 Air rune
Fire rune
Law rune x2
Soft clay
373 64 54 Magic 516
Senntisten teleport (tablet) 1,199 Law rune x2
Soul rune
Soft clay
536 70 60 Magic 772
Kharyrll teleport (tablet) 941 Blood rune
Law rune x2
Soft clay
577 76 66 Magic 473
Lassar teleport (tablet) 1,358 Water rune x4
Law rune x2
Soft clay
383 82 72 Magic 975
Dareeyak teleport (tablet) 889 Air rune x2
Fire rune x3
Law rune x2
Soft clay
388 88 78 Magic 501
Carrallanger teleport (tablet) 1,265 Law rune x2
Soul rune x2
Soft clay
709 94 84 Magic 556
Annakarl teleport (tablet) 1,977 Blood rune x2
Law rune x2
Soft clay
791 100 90 Magic 1,186
Ghorrock teleport (tablet) 1,736 Water rune x8
Law rune x2
Soft clay
403 106 96 Magic 1,333

Lunar spells can only be made at the Lunar lectern in the Dream Hall on Lunar Isle. You must be on the Lunar spellbook which requires you to complete Lunar Diplomacy to craft them. The Lunar lectern is the quickest to bank being only 28 tiles away. A Seal of passage must be equipped or in your inventory in order to use the bank on Lunar Isle until Dream Mentor is completed.

Lunar teleport tablets
Tablet Price Materials Materials Cost XP Requirements Profit Per Tablet
Moonclan teleport (tablet) 993 Law rune
Earth rune x 2
Astral rune x 2
Soft clay
402 66 69 Magic 591
Ourania teleport (tablet) 1,076 Law rune
Earth rune x 6
Astral rune x 2
Soft clay
422 69 71 Magic
Ourania teleport unlocked by speaking to Baba Yaga
Waterbirth teleport (tablet) 889 Law rune
Water rune
Astral rune x 2
Soft clay
397 71 72 Magic 492
Barbarian teleport (tablet) 1,135 Law rune x 2
Fire rune x 3
Astral rune x 2
Soft clay
534 72 75 Magic 601
Khazard teleport (tablet) 1,073 Law rune x 2
Water rune x 4
Astral rune x 2
Soft clay
539 76 78 Magic 534
Fishing guild teleport (tablet) 1,204 Law rune x 3
Water rune x 10
Astral rune x 3
Soft clay
774 80 85 Magic 430
Catherby teleport (tablet) 1,371 Law rune x 3
Water rune x 10
Astral rune x 3
Soft clay
774 89 87 Magic 597
Ice plateau teleport (tablet) 1,418 Law rune x 3
Water rune x 8
Astral rune x 3
Soft clay
764 92 89 Magic 654