Facing Jad Head-on II

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Facing Jad Head-on II (#350)
Released 21 July 2021 (Update)
Members Yes
Description Kill Tzkal-Zuk without equipping any range or mage weapons before wave 69.
Tier Grandmaster
Monster TzKal-Zuk
Type Restriction
League region Karamja Karamja

Facing Jad Head-on II is a grandmaster combat achievement which requires the player to kill TzKal-Zuk without using any ranged and magic weapons before fighting him.


Justiciar armour and Dinh's bulwark are recommended for the massive ranged defence bonus and passive damage reduction effect, reducing a good chunk of damage from the ranged mobs during the run. A Saradomin godsword is recommended to restore health and prayer points. Even then, try to get as few enemies as possible attacking to avoid the chances of getting combo'd out, since all of the monsters can hit very hard.

During the Jad waves, prioritise Protect from Melee since their melee attacks have no delay compared to the other attacks. During the triple Jad wave, either use a halberd or flinch them to prevent multiple attacks occurring on the same tick.

The player is still allowed to cast spells as long as they don't equip a wand or staff; as melee armour provides negative magic bonuses, they will need to be taken off in order for the spells to hit. Alternatively, a Voidwaker and Ancestral robe top likely provides enough positive magic accuracy to allow barrage spells to hit.

WARNING: Do not change weapons before Zuk spawns!

Other tasks

There are 0 Combat Achievement tasks (totalling 0 points) available for TzKal-Zuk.
