Garden of Tranquillity/Quick guide
Start point | Speak to Queen Ellamaria in the garden of Varrock Palace. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3479" x="3228" zoom="2" mapID="-1">
{"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3228.5,3477.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":" X/Y: 3228,3477 ","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink> |
Official difficulty | Intermediate |
Official length | Long |
Description | 'Queen of Varrock seeks experienced gardener to help construct a garden of peace and serenity as surprise for husband.
Only serious Farmers need apply. Peasants welcome (although not that welcome). Tools not supplied. Please note: under no circumstances are the contents of this message to be disclosed to Rollie – um, one means King Roald.' |
Requirements |
Items required |
Recommended |
Enemies to defeat | None |
Ironman concerns |
League notes |
Starting out
Note: If you are only looking for the Ring of Charos(a), only doing this section will suffice. You will need 1 free inventory slot and (optional) 2 compost of any kind. Your watering can must be able to water a total of 1 sapling.
- Talk to Ellamaria at the garden east of Varrock Palace.
- Optionally you could place your compost early in the 2 empty plant pots north to save inventory spaces after speaking to Ellamaria.
- Talk to Ellamaria again to obtain the trolley.
- Talk to the Wise Old Man in Draynor Village north of the bank with the ring of charos.
- Quiz answers:
- Show them a range of colours so that they can come to a compromise.
- Take his generous gift even though you have no need for it.
- It's absolutely, unquestionably the most interesting thing I've ever done!
- Put on the silly helmet and jump into the cannon.
- You of course Pkmaster0036, no one could ever challenge your greatness!
- Ask me nicely and I might consider it.
- No, especially not that wise old man, who doesn't look at all suspicious.
Gathering seeds
- See to the survival of your crops as you see fit.
- Always have on you: a rake, seed dibber, spade, secateurs, watering can, gardening trowel, and ring of charos(a). You may use the tool leprechauns by the patches.
- Equip the ring of charos(a).
- Note: You must speak to the farmers before planting the crops, whilst wearing the Ring of charos. No crops may be planted in advance. If you do not wear the Ring of Charos, it will count as if you planted the crops before speaking to them, and you'll have to plant and grow the required crops again.
Elstan north of Port Sarim
Item required: a marigold seed.
- Talk to Elstan.
- Grow marigolds in the patch (Ultracompost highly recommended).
- Once grown, give them to Elstan for the delphinium seeds (You can continue the quest before finishing this step.)
Lyra north-west of Port Phasmatys
Items required: 3-6 onion seeds.
- Talk to Lyra.
- Grow onions (both patches reduce chance of failure).
- Once grown, talk to Lyra for the orchid seeds. (You can continue the quest before finishing this step.)
Kragen north of Ardougne
Items required: 3-6 cabbage seeds.
- Talk to Kragen.
- Grow cabbages (both patches reduce chance of failure).
- Once grown, talk to Kragen for the snowdrop seeds. (You can continue the quest before finishing this step.)
Dantaera in Catherby
Item required: secateurs, gardening trowel, a filled plant pot (can be bought from the nearby store), a filled watering can.
- Talk to Dantaera at the Catherby farming patch.
- Travel to Ice Mountain, next to Edgeville Monastery.
- Use secateurs on the White Tree located on the northern part of the Ice Mountain.
- Put the White tree shoot in your plant pot and water it.
Brother Althric at the Edgeville monastery
Item required: a fishing rod and ring of charos(a).
Do not preemptively throw down the Ring of Charos(a) down the well before talking to Brother Althric.
- Talk to Brother Althric at the Edgeville monastery.
- Run over to Edgeville and throw the ring of charos(a) down the well.
- Go back to the monastery and pick 4 seeds from the red, pink, and white roses.
- Retrieve your ring with a fishing rod (this could take a few tries) or return to Fenkenstrain's Castle if you destroyed it.
- (Optional) Use the sink in the house west of the well to refill your watering can.
Bernald behind the Burthorpe pub
Items required: a rune/pure essence, a hammer, 2 plant cures, a pestle and mortar and ring of charos(a).
- Talk to Bernald (in the fenced in area beside the bar), while wearing ring of charos(a).
- Use 1 plant cure on the vines.
- Talk to Bernald again.
- Talk to Alain (with the Ring of charos UN-equipped) by the Taverley tree patch.
- Crush rune/pure essence with a hammer then grind the shards with a pestle and mortar.
- Add this to the other plant cure and use it on the vines.
- Talk to Bernald to get the vine seeds.
Returning to planted crops
- Return to Elstan north of Port Sarim. Pick the marigolds and give them to Elstan. .
- Return to Lyra north-west of Port Phasmatys . You do not need to harvest the onions.
- Return to Kragen north of Ardougne . You do not need to harvest the cabbages.
- You may come back to these steps if the crops are not yet grown. Depending on what growth tick you planted on, your plants should be 80-90% grown by the time you reach this step (see "growth timing" under Mechanics on the Farming page).
Varrock Castle
Items required: 2 buckets of compost (super, ultra work as well. Bottomless compost will not work), a seed dibber, a rake, a spade and ring of charos(a), all acquired seeds.
- Fill the 2 large stone pots with compost. *Note that using the Bottomless Compost Bucket does not work here!
- Plant yellow orchids in the east pot, and pink orchids in the west pot.
- Plant all acquired seeds in the palace garden according to their labelled plots.
- Plant the White tree in the centre patch.
- The White tree takes a long time to grow. You can reduce the time you must wait if you plant the tree just before a growth cycle.
- Talk to Ellamaria for the trolley if you haven't already.
Lumbridge Castle
- Use the trolley on the statue of a king (southern statue just outside Lumbridge castle gates).
- If at any point you logout or lose your trolley, speak to Ellamaria to get another.
- Push (or big push) the trolley east over the bridge then place it on the northern plinth in the garden.
Falador square
- Use the trolley on the statue.
- Watch the cutscene.
- Push the trolley north through the gate then place it on the southern plinth in the garden.
Finishing up
- Wait until every plot is fully grown (takes 10-15 minutes).
- Once fully grown, talk to Ellamaria.
- Talk to King Roald.
- Make sure you have the ring of charos (a) equipped when talking to King Roald or he will not follow you.
- Watch the cutscene.
- Warning: Interrupting the queen after the cutscene will cause it to play all over again!
- (Optional) Pick some fruit from the white tree to complete a Varrock medium task (will take a few minutes to produce fruit).
- Congratulations, quest complete!
- 2 Quest points
- 5,000 Farming experience
- An activated ring of charos - players can wear the activated ring to charm various NPCs to pay less for certain services, or get choices that are otherwise unavailable.
- An apple tree seed
- An acorn
- 5 guam seeds
- 4-dose compost potion, which can be used to turn compost into supercompost.
- After the quest, the player can visit the garden and pick 4 fruits from the white tree. They regrow after some time, similar to other fruit bearing trees. Each fruit restores about 8% of energy.
Required for completing
- Swan Song
- Defender of Varrock
- Varrock Diary (Medium, pick a white tree fruit)