Moon Clan
The Moon Clan are a tribe of magical Humans residing on Lunar Isle and led by the Oneiromancer, a powerful wizard. The Clan is believed to be named after the crescent-shaped image of Lunar Isle, and may have derived their powerful magicks from the mystical nature of the island. The Moon Clan has been in a bitter war for centuries with the Fremenniks in Rellekka. The player discovers more about the Moon Clan in the Lunar Diplomacy quest.
The Moon Clan was founded by the Fremennik seer V at some point after he discovered the Stone of Jas in a cave on Lunar Isle during the Second Age. Touching the stone had unlocked something in his mind and given him great power. V used his newfound power to become one of the Fremennik's greatest heroes. He also discovered the art of runecrafting and travelled across the world with his followers constructing altars at places of power. These altars could be used to democratize magic and create runes, which were previously only available in the limited quantities that Guthix gave out.
The relationship between the different Fremennik groups was still good at this time, however many Fremennik began to disagree on the subject of runecrafting. Some Fremennik believed that since runes were a gift from the gods, crafting them was blasphemy, while others believed that they should craft runes and use magic to better themselves. Eventually, the disagreement came to blows, and the Moon Clan were expelled from the rest of the Fremennik. This animosity was also accentuated in part by the Clan's refusal to reveal the secrets of the unique magicks they had created.
In the Fifth Age, the Fremennik went on a rampage destroying the entrances to the runecrafting altars and contact between the two tribes ceased completely. In isolation on Lunar Isle, however, the Moon Clan's magical abilities advanced so that they no longer needed runes to focus their unique magic.[1]
Known members
- V------ (Founder)
- Oneiromancer (Leader)
- Baba Yaga
- Dominic Onion
- Meteora
- Rimae Sirsalis
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- ^ "Baba Yaga". Old School RuneScape. "Our people were left isolated on Lunar Isle but we used it to our advantage. Our control over Magic advanced beyond the need for runes and all knowledge of the altar locations passed from memory."