Mourner gear

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A male player wearing full mourner gear.

Mourner gear is worn by mourners. It is first obtained during Mourning's End Part I, and is also required during the subsequent quests Mourning's End Part II and Song of the Elves. Wearing the full set allows the player to enter the door under the mourner headquarters in West Ardougne to access dark beasts and the east entrance of the Temple of Light. Players can alternatively use the Slayer ring's Dark Beasts teleport to get there. The set is no longer required to enter after completing the first section of Song of the Elves.

The full set can be stored in an armour case in the costume room of a player-owned house.

The gear can be obtained by either:

  • Killing a level 108 mourner under the Mourner's Headquarters.
  • The method used in Mourning's End Part I. Requires a bucket of water, a bear fur and 2 silk. There are 6 pieces in total.
    • Kill a level 11 mourner at Arandar, west of the outpost (easily accessed with a necklace of passage) and pick up the mourner clothing and gas mask.
      • Note: When you start the battle, the mourner will throw a potion at you that will reduce all of your combat stats including Hitpoints and Prayer to 20. The only teleport you will be able to cast is home teleport.
    • Travel to Taverley and steal Tegid's soap from his laundry basket south-east of the circular building.
    • With a bucket of water in your inventory, use the bar of soap on the bloody mourner top.
    • With 2 silk and a bear fur, travel to Lletya and speak to Oronwen in the crafting shop, and ask if she can repair your trousers. (Chat 3)
  • After completion of Song of the Elves, the gear can be obtained by searching the chest in front of the burgundy-coloured bed under the Mourner's Headquarters.


Item Examine
Stops me from breathing nasty stuff!
A thick heavy leather top.
A pair of mourner trousers.
Comfortable leather boots.
These will keep my hands warm!
A dull brown cape.


  • Wearing the gear unlocks unique dialogue with the citizens in West Ardougne and certain NPCs in East Ardougne, such as Elena.