Slang dictionary/S

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Abbreviation Meaning
Safer Someone who heals at a life points value that is greater than the maximum hit of the opponent or in some cases eating to full Hitpoints. Typically used in the context of one-on-one PvP. Although, some use it in multi-way combat incorrectly.
Salad blade Blade of saeldor
Salad robes Xerician robes
Salve Salve amulet
Sand casino Former Duel Arena, particularly when used for staking wealth
Sang Sanguinesti staff
Santa Santa hat
Saph Sapphire
Sara Saradomin, Commander Zilyana (Usually referred to as Sara Boss)
Sarach, Sarac Sarachnis
SBS Spellbook Swap, Saradomin's blessed sword
SC Skill capes
Scav Scavenger
SCB, SCP Super combat potion
Scimmy, Scim, Skim, Skimmy Scimitar
Scy Scythe, mostly referring to a Scythe of vitur
Seers Seers' Village, Seers ring
Sep, Sepul, Sepu Hallowed Sepulchre
Serp Serpentine helm
SGS Saradomin godsword
Shadow, SoT, ShaT Tumeken's shadow
Shilo Shilo Village
Shopscape Gameplay revolving around repeated use of in-game shops, usually derogatory
Short Shortsword, Shortbow
(sk) Item sets with plateskirts.
Skirt Plateskirt
Skiller Someone who trains non-combat skills (can be any Combat level)/more commonly someone who trains non-combat skills primarily or exclusively. See Skill pure.
Snipe To target and gain a desirable item by outbidding or beating another player to it. See Sniping.
Snowflake Account played with some sort of self-imposed limitation, such as being locked to a specific region or only able to train one skill at a time.
SoA Shield of Arrav
SoL Staff of light
Solid(s) Solid food — food that incurs a 3 tick attack delay when eaten. This applies to most foods in the game, such as sharks.
SoS, Stronghold Stronghold of Security
Sot, Sote Sotetseg
SotD Staff of the dead
SotE Song of the Elves
SotF Sins of the Father
SotN Secrets of the North
Spam To click rapidly in succession, usually on a single target (i.e. an item or player). Alternatively, to send a chat message multiple times in a similarly repetitive manner ("They were spamming their Clan advertisement at the Grand Exchange all day!").
Spec Special attack, Spectral spirit shield
Split(ting) An agreement when bossing with other players to have the person who gets a drop sell it and (usually) evenly split the gold among them.
Antonym: see free-for-all.
Spoon, Spooned, Spooning To obtain a rare or desirable drop (such as a pet) with relatively little time/effort expended, originating either from "spoonfed" or "silver spoon".
Antonym: see dry.
Sq Square shield
SS Saradomin sword, screenshot
SSC Stronghold Slayer Cave
Staff Usually referring to the Tumeken's shadow.
Stam (pot) Stamina potion
Str Strength
Suff, Suffering Ring of suffering
Sulli(s), Sully, Sullies Sulliuscep
Super AP Superantipoison
Super sets (Sup att/atk, Sup def, Sup str) Super attack potion, Super defence potion, Super strength potion
SW Soul Wars
Swamp Trident of the swamp
Sword Swordfish, sword, or longsword.
Swordy Swordfish