Slayer task/Spiritual creatures

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Spiritual creatures
SkillsSlayer 63 , Slayer 68 , Slayer 83
Combat level80
OtherDeath Plateau, Strength 60 or Agility 60
Task amounts
Advanced data
Icon ID11292

Spiritual creatures are a potential slayer assignment given by medium and high-leveled Slayer Masters after completion of Death Plateau, a combat level of 80 and either 60 Strength or Agility with a minimum Slayer level of 63 in order to be assigned them.

There are three types of spiritual creatures players can kill as part of a task; spiritual rangers, the weakest at 63 Slayer, warriors at 68 Slayer, and mages at 83 Slayer.

These creatures are only found in the God Wars Dungeon and the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon. As followers of their respective gods, they are aggressive to anyone that is not wearing an item not aligned to their god, but will be tolerant otherwise. This is essentially required, as the dungeons are multicombat areas with many monsters, likely resulting in a swift death if this is not met.

In the God Wars Dungeon, players are encouraged to wear at least one Zamorak-affiliated item, as Zamorak's followers are found throughout the main section of the dungeon. Depending on the god that the player is focusing on, they should also bring one of said item to ensure tolerance. This is usually a Saradomin item, since Bandos and Armadyl-affiliated spiritual creatures are rarely killed.

In the Ancient Prison, only a Zaros-affiliated item is required, as none of the other gods' followers are found inside. It is still recommended to bring one Saradomin and Zamorak affiliated item, as the player will have to spend some time navigating through them to reach its entrance.

In the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon, it is recommended to bring three god-affiliated items; one Armadyl/Bandos (depending on the entrance coming in from), one Saradomin and one Zamorak, as Zamorak's followers are essentially everywhere in the dungeon.

The spiritual creatures each follow a single god. Their stats are generally uniform, albeit with minor variations

  • Armadyl's spiritual creatures - An additional requirement of Ranged 70 , along with a crossbow that can fire a mithril grapple. The rangers are the strongest, the warriors are the second strongest and the mages are the weakest. As former Aviansie, they cannot be attacked with most melee weapons, and will retaliate immediately if targeted.
  • Bandos' spiritual creatures - An additional requirement of Strength 70 and a hammer. The warriors are the strongest, the mages are second strongest and rangers are the weakest. Barring the mages, the rangers and warriors have the most health of monsters in this category.
  • Saradomin's spiritual creatures - No additional requirements are needed, as these are found in the main dungeon. The mages are the strongest, the rangers the second strongest and warriors the weakest.
  • Zamorak's spiritual creatures - An additional requirement of Hitpoints 70 , and the player will lose all prayer points upon entering Zamorak's Fortress. The mages are the strongest and cast Flames of Zamorak, which drains Magic if not protected against, the rangers are second strongest and warriors the weakest.
  • Zaros' spiritual creatures - The player must complete the miniquest The Frozen Door, which has a requirement of 70 Strength, Hitpoints, Ranged and Agility. The mages are the strongest, the warriors second strongest and rangers the weakest. They are significantly stronger than the other gods' spiritual creatures. Unlike the other spiritual creatures, they are susceptible to fire spells, having 200% vulnerability against them.

In the Wilderness dungeon, only one requirement of either 60 Agility or Strength is required.

Many players tend to block spiritual creatures, especially if they cannot kill the mages as the drops are lackluster and players cannot efficiently AFK them due to the nature of the dungeon. If the player intends on completing these tasks, they are recommended to kill spiritual warriors at the very minimum. This should be changed to mages as soon as the player hits 83 Slayer, ideally in the Ancient Prison due to the mages' improved drops.

Slayer Unlocks

Unlock Points cost Notes
Spiritual fervour 100 Number of spiritual creatures assigned are increased to 181-250.

Monster Variants

Monster Combat level Slayer XP Locations Notes
Spiritual ranger 118 (Zamorak)
122 (Saradomin)
115 (Bandos)
127 (Armadyl)
158 (Zaros)
  • The Armadylean variant cannot be damaged with melee apart from indirect hits from a scythe of vitur or a salamander's melee option.
  • The Zarosian variant can occasionally launch an arrow into the air, which if hit by, will deal heavy damage, disable overhead protection prayers and bind the player for a few seconds.
Spiritual warrior 115 (Zamorak)
125 (Saradomin)
134 (Bandos)
123 (Armadyl)
158 (Zaros)
  • The Armadylean variant cannot be damaged with melee apart from indirect hits from a scythe of vitur or a salamander's melee option.
  • The Zarosian variant periodically unleashes smoke clouds in an X formation surrounding the player, descending onto their location when the attack was used in 5 ticks. Failing to move away deals up to 40 damage.
Spiritual mage 121 (Zamorak)
120 (Saradomin)
121 (Bandos)
123 (Armadyl)
182 (Zaros)
  • The Armadylean variant cannot be damaged with melee apart from indirect hits from a scythe of vitur or a salamander's melee option.
  • The Zamorakian variant's Flames of Zamorak will drain Magic levels if it successfully hits and damages the player.
  • The Zarosian variant uses the Ancient Magicks - smoke will poison the player, shadow drains the player's Attack level, blood heals the mage and ice freezes the player. These secondary effects will occur on successful hits, even if the damage would be blocked by prayer.

Location Comparison

Spiritual rangers

Location Maplink Amount Multicombat Cannonable Safespottable Notes
God Wars Dungeon <maplink mapID="7" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="5301" x="2891" group="pins" zoom="2"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2883.5,5297.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"7","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"
MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2883,5297

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2888,5295

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2888,5300

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2891,5287

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2891,5309

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2896,5297

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2896,5303

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2910,5299

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2951,5281

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2953,5277

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2843,5266

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2845,5260

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2848,5274

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2848,5282

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2937,5351

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2829,5328

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2835,5338

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2837,5344

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2838,5325

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2839,5319

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2843,5330

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2845,5347

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2847,5340

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2850,5351

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2852,5357

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2856,5347

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2860,5356

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2923,5235

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2880,5284

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2859,5352



30 Yes No Yes
  • Main (Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin, Zamorak) variants.
God Wars Dungeon <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="5213" x="2873" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2881.5,5208.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"
MonsterSpiritual ranger

X/Y: 2881,5208

MonsterSpiritual ranger

X/Y: 2883,5223

MonsterSpiritual ranger

X/Y: 2889,5220

MonsterSpiritual ranger

X/Y: 2891,5203

MonsterSpiritual ranger

X/Y: 2856,5204

MonsterSpiritual ranger

X/Y: 2862,5207

MonsterSpiritual ranger

X/Y: 2863,5199

MonsterSpiritual ranger

X/Y: 2865,5215

MonsterSpiritual ranger

X/Y: 2873,5218



9 Yes No Yes
  • Ancient Prison (Zaros) variant.
Wilderness God Wars Dungeon <maplink mapID="26" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="10100" x="2960" group="pins" zoom="2"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2944.5,10080.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"26","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"
MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2944,10080

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2945,10084

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2948,10081

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2942,10107

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2943,10117

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2951,10108

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2963,10096

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2965,10102

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2967,10098

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2976,10088

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2978,10089

MonsterSpiritual ranger
Level(s)115, 118, 122, 127

X/Y: 2978,10091



12 Yes No Yes
  • Main (Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin, Zamorak) variants.
  • Located in moderate (level 28-32 Wilderness), do not bring items you are unwilling to lose

Spiritual warriors

Location Maplink Amount Multicombat Cannonable Safespottable Notes
God Wars Dungeon <maplink mapID="7" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="5304" x="2890" group="pins" zoom="2"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2837.5,5288.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"7","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"
MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2837,5288

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2841,5281

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2950,5278

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2951,5288

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2952,5273

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2953,5282

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2890,5356

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2903,5351

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2912,5338

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2913,5357

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2918,5337

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2918,5344

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2919,5342

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2922,5345

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2926,5341

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2927,5339

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2927,5345

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2921,5235

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2880,5290

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2880,5307

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2882,5294

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2883,5310

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2885,5305

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2886,5288

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2886,5311

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2896,5292

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2897,5311

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2898,5311

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2900,5284

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2904,5299

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2907,5290

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2910,5296

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2834,5350

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2836,5320

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2842,5345

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2843,5341

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2843,5364

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2844,5328

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2846,5358

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2851,5346

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2854,5351

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2827,5334

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2858,5263

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2889,5282



44 Yes No Yes
  • Main (Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin, Zamorak) variants.
God Wars Dungeon <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="5211" x="2873" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2881.5,5218.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"
MonsterSpiritual warrior

X/Y: 2881,5218

MonsterSpiritual warrior

X/Y: 2883,5204

MonsterSpiritual warrior

X/Y: 2890,5208

MonsterSpiritual warrior

X/Y: 2894,5200

MonsterSpiritual warrior

X/Y: 2852,5208

MonsterSpiritual warrior

X/Y: 2860,5203

MonsterSpiritual warrior

X/Y: 2867,5219

MonsterSpiritual warrior

X/Y: 2869,5212

MonsterSpiritual warrior

X/Y: 2873,5204



9 Yes No Yes
  • Ancient Prison (Zaros) variant.
Wilderness God Wars Dungeon <maplink mapID="26" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="10099" x="2958" group="pins" zoom="2"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2973.5,10082.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"26","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"
MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2973,10082

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2974,10084

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2946,10116

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2957,10104

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2957,10111

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2959,10098

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2962,10094

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2962,10105

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2942,10082

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2942,10085

MonsterSpiritual warrior
Level(s)115, 123, 125, 134

X/Y: 2947,10078



11 Yes No Yes
  • Main (Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin, Zamorak) variants.
  • Located in moderate (level 28-32 Wilderness), do not bring items you are unwilling to lose

Spiritual mages

Location Maplink Amount Multicombat Cannonable Safespottable Notes
God Wars Dungeon <maplink mapID="7" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="5304" x="2891" group="pins" zoom="2"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2917.5,5339.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"7","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"
MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2917,5339

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2920,5338

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2924,5340

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2929,5347

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2936,5348

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2827,5331

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2830,5315

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2832,5340

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2837,5342

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2838,5329

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2839,5360

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2843,5320

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2845,5352

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2846,5332

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2848,5342

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2851,5359

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2855,5345

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2860,5353

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2854,5273

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2867,5266

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2918,5235

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2837,5265

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2883,5356

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2887,5357

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2888,5363

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2902,5361

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2905,5355

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2919,5360

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2948,5280

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2953,5269

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2956,5278

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2830,5284

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2881,5292

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2883,5303

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2887,5311

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2897,5287

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2898,5307

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2903,5292

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2905,5302

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2892,5283



40 Yes No Yes
  • Main (Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin, Zamorak) variants.
God Wars Dungeon <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="5213" x="2875" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2880.5,5213.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"
MonsterSpiritual mage

X/Y: 2880,5213

MonsterSpiritual mage

X/Y: 2887,5202

MonsterSpiritual mage

X/Y: 2864,5210

MonsterSpiritual mage

X/Y: 2869,5202

MonsterSpiritual mage

X/Y: 2876,5221



5 Yes No Yes
  • Ancient Prison (Zaros) variant.
Wilderness God Wars Dungeon <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="10103" x="2955" zoom="2" mapID="26"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2940.5,10119.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"26","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"
MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2940,10119

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2946,10102

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2947,10084

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2949,10087

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2952,10112

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2954,10104

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2957,10085

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2960,10096

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2960,10112

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2963,10103

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2968,10083

MonsterSpiritual mage
Level(s)120, 121, 123

X/Y: 2971,10085



12 Yes No Yes
  • Main (Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin, Zamorak) variants.
  • Located in moderate (level 28-32 Wilderness), do not bring items you are unwilling to lose