Sorceress's Garden/Summer

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Summer Garden Overhead View

The Summer Garden is available starting at level 65 Thieving. It is located north of the teleport spawn point.


File:Stamina potion(4).pngFile:Stamina potion(4).pngFile:Stamina potion(4).png

Experience rates

  • By using the one-click method, the maximum experience possible per hour is 150,000, however this does not factor in lag or the occasional misclick. Realistically, the player can expect to gain around 140,000 experience per hour.
  • If massing with other players, players can expect 165,000-180,000 experience per hour with a theoretical maximum of 186,000 experience per hour.
  • Each banked inventory of 25 summer sq'irkjuices, and 2 extra sq'irks, is worth 110 Cooking experience, 3,120 Farming experience and 78,000 Thieving experience.
  • Picking a fruit from the central tree in the Summer garden gives 60 Farming experience, while picking herbs from any garden awards 50 Farming experience.

Sq'irk Navigation Guide

Elementals 1, 2 & 3
Elemental 4
Elementals 5 & 6

Elementals 1, 2 & 3

  • Start at safespot 1.
  • When the first elemental hits the wall and moves away from you, run to safespot 2.
  • When the first elemental moves past you in the other direction, run to safespot 3.
  • When the second elemental moves past you, run to safespot 4.
  • When the third elemental moves past you, run to safespot 5.

Elemental 4

  • This elemental moves in a figure eight pattern. When it has its back to you, run to safespot 6.
  • Again, when the fourth elemental has its back to you, run to safespot 7. You don't need to worry about the fifth elemental seeing you.

Elementals 5 & 6

  • When the fifth elemental moves away from you into the corridor, move to safespot 8.
  • When the fifth elemental moves out of the corridor, and the sixth elemental has its back to you, run to safespot 9. Be ready to move quickly.
  • Let the sixth elemental get a couple tiles ahead of you, so that you don't overtake it, and run to the sq'irk tree.

One-click Summer Garden Method

See also Sorceress's Garden#Mass worlds for the mass world strategy, requiring no setup.
When you see these two elementals bounce off the inner walls at the same time, prepare to click on the sq'irk tree.

Stand in the tile just before the path of the elemental, marked with a red box in the image.

Wait until elementals 1 and 3 bounce off the inner walls at the same time. This is when you need to prepare yourself for running.

  • If they happen to be off-tick, that is, one bounces and the second one bounces right after, just get caught by the first elemental, and they should bounce together again.

Click on the sq'irk tree when elemental 1 moves from tile 2 to 3.

Repeat this process until the other elementals no longer catch you.

  • Some worlds have an issue where elementals don't always seem to delay for 1 tick when they spot you, making it so you can keep getting spotted on the same tile. It's easiest to change worlds.
  • Alternatively, to "fix" these elementals, stand still on a tile where the non-delaying elemental would spot you. They should delay properly when they spot you then. If not, try another tile.
  • If you ran past an elemental that spotted you and starts following you, but didn't teleport you, log out and back in.
When the first summer elemental moves from the second to third tile, click on the sq'irk tree.
  • A perfect run is 60 game ticks (~36 seconds) which is just enough time to run the full course, pick the sq'irk, and get back in time for elementals 1 and 3 to meet on their respective walls.
  • Just because you have aligned elemental 1 and 3 does NOT mean the rest will be in order! You may have to make 2-8 runs to align the rest of the elementals.
  • If you get caught by the first elemental after getting everything else set up, you can "reset" that one to be in-sync with the third elemental by being caught by the first again nine times. You can then resume without needing to resynchronize the whole garden.
You can save time by syncing these two up first. Then wait for 1 and 3 to bounce off the inner wall to sync the rest up.
You can save time by syncing these two up first. Then wait for 1 and 3 to bounce off the inner wall to sync the rest up.

Summer Garden Herbs

Herb Navigation Guide

The one-click method for acquiring sq'irks is equally effective for obtaining herbs. Simply click on the herb patch when you would normally click on the tree.

Herb Drop Table

The following drop rates are provided by Jagex, unless otherwise specified.[1]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Guam leaf.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Guam leaf with rarity 16/111 in quantity 1Guam leaf116/1113681
Marrentill.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Marrentill with rarity 14/111 in quantity 1Marrentill114/1114453
Tarromin.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Tarromin with rarity 13/111 in quantity 1Tarromin113/1114526
Harralander.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Harralander with rarity 12/111 in quantity 1Harralander112/11173312
Irit leaf.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Irit leaf with rarity 11/111 in quantity 1Irit leaf111/1111,56824
Avantoe.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Avantoe with rarity 10/111 in quantity 1Avantoe110/1113,36828
Ranarr weed.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Ranarr weed with rarity 9/111 in quantity 1Ranarr weed19/1116,78515
Kwuarm.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Kwuarm with rarity 8/111 in quantity 1Kwuarm18/1113,66832
Cadantine.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Cadantine with rarity 7/111 in quantity 1Cadantine17/1113,07939
Lantadyme.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Lantadyme with rarity 6/111 in quantity 1Lantadyme16/1111,97340
Dwarf weed.png: Sorceress's Garden/Summer drops Dwarf weed with rarity 5/111 in quantity 1Dwarf weed15/1112,11442


  1. ^