The Walking Volcano

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The Walking Volcano (#80)
Released 21 July 2021 (Update)
Members Yes
Description Kill a Fire Giant.
Tier Easy
Monster Fire Giant
Type Kill Count
League region Desert DesertKandarin KandarinKaramja KaramjaKourend KourendMisthalin MisthalinWilderness Wilderness

The Walking Volcano is an easy combat achievement which requires the player to kill a fire giant.


Fire giants are very easy to kill for low-level players with fairly decent food and equipment. Players with a Prayer level of at least 43 can utilize Protect from Melee to negate all damage given from them.

Fire giants have a significant elemental weakness to water spells. Players may also opt to safespot them with magic. There are many areas with fire giants that include convenient safespots, such as the Brimhaven Dungeon, Stronghold Slayer Cave, and Waterfall Dungeon.

If all easy combat achievements are planned to be completed, it is efficient to kill a fire giant, moss giant, and a hill giant in the Giants' Den within the Shayzien region to complete this achievement and Into the Den of Giants at the same time.