Tower of Life/Quick guide

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Start pointMap icon Talk to Effigy at the Tower of Life just east of the Ardougne Monastery. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3220" x="2639" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2639.5,3218.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2639,3218

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyNovice
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionThe construction of a mysterious tower is almost complete, but the builders working on it have gone on strike. Losing patience, the alchemists that hired them are looking for anybody to help them. When the world of magic and the world of logic combine you can expect dangerous results, but a true adventurer would cherish such things... wouldn't they?
Items required
Enemies to defeat None
League notes

Kandarin Kandarin — location requirement


<mapframe group="pins" align="right" text="Location of trousers." plane="0" width="300" y="3214" x="2656" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0">


X/Y: 2656,3212



  • Talk to Effigy south of East Ardougne (south-west of fairy ring DJP, Ardougne cloak monastery teleport and walk east, or minigame teleport to Fishing Trawler and walk north) to begin the quest. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to Bonafido at the tower's entrance. He will ask to get a builder's costume.
  • Wear the full costume. Talk to Bonafido and answer his questions. (Chat 2312)
  • Enter the tower while still wearing the full costume

Fixing up the tower

The supply crates.

Fix the pressure machine

  • Take the following supplies (by searching the crates inside the tower):
  • Head up the first staircase on the west side of the tower.
  • Fix the pressure machine on the north side of the room.
  • Complete the puzzle (turn the valves until all holes are plugged, pull the levers when necessary).
    • Pipe 2: Pull down the left lever, and then turn the 2nd valve left twice. Turn it right until the pipe is filled with water.
    • Pipe 4: Pull down the right lever and turn the 4th valve right three times, then left once. Turn it right until the pipe is filled with water.
    • Pipe 3: Lift the right lever back up, and turn the 3rd valve right twice and then left once. Turn it right until the pipe is filled with water.
    • Pipe 1: Lift up the left lever and turn the 1st valve left twice. Turn it right until the pipe is filled with water.
  • Once all the holes are plugged, make sure to turn the valves until all of the pipes are filled with water. You should see a message that says "The machine is working!" when you have completed the puzzle.

Fix the pipe machine

The completed puzzle.
  • Take the following supplies:
  • Head up two floors.
  • Fix the pipe machine on the south side of the room. You should see a message that says "The machine is working!" when you have completed the puzzle.

Fix the cage

  • Take the following supplies:
  • Head up to the top floor of the tower.
  • Fix the cage.
  • Complete the puzzle. You should see a message that says "The cage is complete!" when you have completed the puzzle.
    • First side
      • Horizontal: Size 2
      • Horizontal: Size 3
      • Vertical: Size 2
    • Second side
      • Horizontal: Size 2
      • Vertical: Size 2
      • Vertical: Size 4
    • Third side
      • Horizontal: Size 4
      • Vertical: Size 2
      • Vertical: Size 3
    • Fourth side
      • Horizontal: Size 2
      • Horizontal: Size 2
      • Vertical: Size 2

Finishing up

  • Talk to Effigy.
  • Go to the top floor for a cutscene involving the alchemists and the Homunculus.
  • Go outside to talk to Effigy.
  • Return to the top floor and answer the Homunculus' questions until the bar is filled with either 'Logic' or 'Magic'.
    • (Chat 1331223) to solve with 'Logic'.
    • (Chat 2213311) to solve with 'Magic'.
  • Talk to Effigy again.
  • Go to the dungeon floor inside the tower via the trapdoor to the south and talk to the Homunculus to the north.

Congratulations, quest complete!

  • Optional: Medium Ardougne Diary task - kill a "swordchick" (requires 1 raw swordfish and 1 raw chicken.
    • Talk to Homunculus again about creating monsters.
    • Run south-south-west to the "Symbol of life" altar.
  • Congratulations, quest complete!
