Money making guide/Hunting sunlight antelopes
Lua error in ...ribunto/includes/Engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mwInit.lua at line 23: bad argument #1 to 'old_ipairs' (table expected, got nil). Sunlight antelopes yield multiple valuable items and are fairly fast and simple to hunt. They are located to the east of the Avium Savannah <maplink align="center" text="right here" plane="0" y="3007" x="1745" zoom="3" mapID="0">
X/Y: 1745,3007
</maplink>. There are many normal Trees surrounding the area they are caught in, which are useful for building the pitfall traps used to hunt them. The north-east section with three pitfall spots is ideal to use if there is an open world for it. It is good to keep a handful of logs in your inventory and all three pitfalls built so you can continuously tease antelopes and jump over the traps. Fletch the Sunlight antelope antlers while moving to the next target and right after collecting them to avoid wasting time on the "Make-X" dialogue box. With high Agility, weight-reducing clothing, and efficient pathing the player should not need any stamina potions before filling their inventory. Though recommended here due to elongating trips and reducing time spent banking, Fletching the Antlers into Sunlight antler bolts may not always be the most profitable method, as GE prices can fluctuate or may not be up to date. Currently, converting the antlers into bolts results in a profit of 1,167.
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