Money making guide/Creating Varrock teleport tablets

From Illerai

This is the current revision of this page, as edited by 2001:4dd4:53a9:0:911d:d4cb:22ef:e1ee (Sọ̀rọ̀) at 22:30, 24 January 2024 (After testing both the round trip time as well as the tablets per hour, the numbers have been observed to be simply WRONG! I make roughly 1150 tablets per hour with a roundtrip taking usually around 80 seconds at Rimmington. Feel free to verify this yourself, but I cant stand POH-Tablets being rated better despite making less XP and less money per hour.). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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Lua error in ...ribunto/includes/Engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mwInit.lua at line 23: bad argument #1 to 'old_ipairs' (table expected, got nil). Varrock teleport tablets are worth 462 coins and are generally in high demand, as they are one of the most versatile teleportation items. The tablets are made on an oak, eagle, or marble lectern in a player-owned house study. The most cost effective place to make tablets is at a house in Rimmington, where there is a nearby NPC named Phials who will un-note items for 5 coins each. To make tablets, move your POH to Rimmington and bring law runes, noted soft clay, and coins. Find Phials, use the noted soft clay on him, and choose the third chat option to quickly un-note them. Then enter a POH through the house portal and enchant the tablets on a lectern.

Each trip you can make 24 Varrock Tablets for a profit of 5,304 coins. On average, a round trip takes approximately 75-95 seconds, for a total of 1050-1150 tablets per hour, which leads to a 232,050 to 254,150 profit per hour.

An alternative to un-noting with Phials is to use a servant, however this is more costly.

Check the live price and daily volume of items on the Grand Exchange before making large investments in any method.
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