Money making guide/Mining iron and superheating Iron bars
Lua error in ...ribunto/includes/Engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mwInit.lua at line 23: bad argument #1 to 'old_ipairs' (table expected, got nil). The superheat item spell allows players to turn iron ore into iron bars with 100% success rate (without the need of a ring of forging) from any location. This includes from directly in a mine next to iron rocks.
Equip your staff of fire and have your pickaxe and many nature runes in inventory. Players are advised to head to the mine south-west of Varrock and situate themselves between the two iron rocks. This allows for the player to mine from two separate iron rocks without moving. After successfully mining a rock, they cast superheat item on their newly acquired ore. With first-chance mining success from a rune pickaxe, there is just enough time in between the rock respawns (9 ticks = 5.4 seconds) for the player to smelt the bar (3 ticks), mine the other rock (3 ticks), and smelt the second bar (3 ticks), allowing for the player to neatly fill all their time with actions. The player is constantly alternating between mining and ore and superheating that newly acquired ore. If done perfectly, it takes about 94 seconds to fill an inventory of 26 iron bars; but 120 seconds is an achievable goal.
The player can then travel to the bank, deposit the ore, and return. This travel time cuts efficiency in about half.
While profitable, this certainly is not the fastest moneymaking method and is quite labor intensive. It does offer ample experience in ,
, and
, which can otherwise be quite time intensive and/or costly to train.
Double Efficiency
The true potential of this method comes from having a mule bring travel between the mine and the bank.
You can do this yourself, in a separate window, so long as you have an appropriate alt account. This is within the Jagex Terms of Service. Conveniently, the time it takes to walk to and from the bank is almost exactly the time it takes to prepare a full inventory of 26 iron bars. This allows you to make very clean cycles with very little wasted time, completing one full cycle of 26 bars in 2 minutes. To optimize for speed, it is recommended to turn the 3 second trade delay timer off on both accounts.
Alternatively, you can nicely ask a friend or another player to help you.
Alt Mule Requirements
For your main and mule accounts to exchange iron bars, they must pass the restrictions. There are no other, specific skill requirements for the alt account. However, it is recommended that they have 13 because of the aggressive level-6 mugger hanging around.
Note that your main can trade bars to the mule without the mule having passed the restrictions (so long as the main has). For the mule to trade the bars back (or sell them), the mule must also pass these restrictions. As such, you can bank ore while still filling out the 20 hour requirement.
The default values calculated in the table above assume the double efficiency method.
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