Area effects
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Area effects are game mechanics confined to certain areas of Gielinor. The effects either deal damage to a player, or lower their stats.
Most area effects are based on a game chunk, a 64x64 set of game squares. As such, players can find out where they are safe by looking at chunks on the World Map. Some area effects can also be stalled by opening interfaces. Some effects that run on timers can also be avoided by simply logging out before the timer reaches 0.
Effect | Area | Summary | Nullification, reduction, and reversal | Fatal? |
Chill | Several chunks north of Trollheim | All stats drained by 1 every 10 ticks | Fire of Unseasonal Warmth | No |
Darkness | Various underground areas | Darkness; damage; varies by location | Light sources, Fire of Eternal Light (only at some locations) | Yes |
Desert heat | Desert (excluding cities or towns) | ~10 damage every 40-150 ticks | Various clothing, relogging, choc-ice, waterskins, desert amulet 4 | Yes |
Extreme heat | Karuulm Slayer Dungeon | 4 damage dealt every tick | Boots of stone, boots of brimstone, granite boots, elite Kebos diary | Yes |
Prayer restoration | In and around the Demonic Ruins | 3 Prayer points restored every 5 ticks | None | N/A |
Swamp decay | Main area of the Mort Myre Swamp | 1-3 damage dealt every 200 ticks | Blessed silver sickle, rod of ivandis, Fire of Dehumidification | Unknown |
Sanity | Shadow Realm | 5-160 damage dealt every 2 ticks | Shadow blocker, revitalising idol, killing cyan Lost Souls | Yes |
Smoke | Smoke Dungeon | 20 damage dealt every 20 ticks | Gas mask, facemask, Slayer helmet (all variations) | No |
Vine damage | A small section of Draynor Manor | 1 damage dealt every 5 ticks | None | Yes |
Volcanic eruption | Near Wilderness volcanoes | 1 damage dealt when a fireball lands | None | Unknown |