Light sources

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Light sources are used to illuminate dark caves and dungeons. Some of these areas are inaccessible or very dangerous without a light source.

Most light sources are items that require certain Firemaking Firemaking levels to be lit. However, there are also certain equipable and stationary light sources.

Consequences of no light

After spending 9 seconds in a dark area without a light source, there will be a warning message and after 18 seconds (30 ticks), the message "Tiny biting insects swarm all over you!" is displayed in the chatbox. Starting with that message, 1 damage per tick will be dealt in quick succession, which cannot be blocked with protection prayers. The damage will stop upon leaving the dark area or igniting a light source.

Note: The 18 seconds timer can be reset by logging out, however, it is not possible to log out after being damaged, as it is considered in-combat.

Players cannot attack without a light source in dark areas but can still be attacked.

Dark areas

Light source required

Light source optional


Unlit light sources may be lit by using a tinderbox on them. Torches may also be lit with dry sticks or on a heat source that is capable of cooking food, such as a fire, fireplace, sulphur vent, range, and Gnome cooker. Each lightable item has a certain Firemaking Firemaking level requirement to be lit. Players may use spicy stews to boost their level with up to 5.

Empty oil lamps, empty oil lanterns and empty bullseye lanterns have to be filled with lamp oil before they can be lit. Lamp oil is made by distilling swamp tar at either the lamp oil still in the Chemist's house in Rimmington, or the lamp still next to Miltog in Dorgesh-Kaan.


Light sources that have been lit can be extinguished at any time by the player, unless it is the only light source in a dark area. Some light sources can also forcibly be extinguished by several monsters and environmental effects:

  • Scarab mages can occasionally have all extinguishable light sources go out (Your lights have been magically extinguished.).
  • The giant mole might extinguish any candles, torches, or oil lamps when it digs away.
  • In the Sophanem Dungeon, falling into a scarab trap puts out every extinguishable light source.
  • Gas explosions will extinguish candles, torches, and oil lamps while dealing damage to the player.
  • Falling into water will douse all extinguishable light sources.

Gas explosions

The areas where gas explosions can occur in the Lumbridge Swamp Caves.

Torches, candles and oil lamps will cause gas explosions in certain areas of the Lumbridge Swamp Caves, as the flames are exposed to the gas.

Upon entering such area with one of these light sources, a message is displayed in the chat box; "Your [light source] flares brightly!". After roughly 4.2 seconds (7 ticks) in the area, a gas explosion occurs, dealing 25% of your total Hitpoints in damage. The light source will then also be extinguished.

Constructing the Fire of Eternal Light (after the Making Friends with My Arm quest) in the swamp caves will disable gas explosions. It also functions as a light source throughout the caves.

Light sources

Certain light sources do not have to be ignited, and may be equipped.

Each light source has a different level of brightness, which only visually changes how illuminated a dark area will be. There are three levels of brightness, and these will stack (for example, the brightness of three candles is equivalent to the brightness of one bullseye lantern).

Item Firemaking level
Brightness Ignites gas Extinguishable
by effects
1 1 Yes Yes Can be lit with dry sticks, even in the water-filled chamber of the Haunted Mine.

Can be lit by using on a Range.

1 1 Yes Yes
1 1 Yes Yes Obtainable only during Quest points Merlin's Crystal.
4 1 No Yes
4 1 No Yes
12 2 Yes Yes
26 2 No Yes
49 3 No No
49 2 No No Created by adding a sapphire to a bullseye lantern. Used in Quest points Tears of Guthix and Quest points While Guthix Sleeps.
49 3 No No Created by adding an emerald lens to a bullseye lantern. Used in Quest points Lunar Diplomacy.
65 2 No No Equipable.
66 3 No N/A Completion of Quest points Making Friends With My Arm and Construction 35 Construction(boostable) required.
Permanent effects when built in: Falador Mole Lair, Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Mos Le'Harmless Cave.
99 3 No N/A Equipable. Requires Firemaking 99 Firemaking to be bought.
99 3 No N/A Equipable. Requires Skills 99 levels in all skills to be bought.
N/A 2 No N/A Equipable. Requires completion of at least the Achievement Diary Kandarin easy diary.
N/A 2 No N/A Equipable. Obtainable as possible reward from Wintertodt.
N/A Unknown N/A N/A Only obtainable in the Abandoned Mine. Disintegrates if dropped or brought outside.
1 3 No No Equipable. Obtainable as a reward from Minigames Guardians of the Rift.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:22 September 2021| |0}} {{#explode:22 September 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 September 2021| |2}}]]

If your light source is inextinguishable, you'll no longer get the extinguish warning when entering a dark area.

[[{{#explode:26 August 2020| |0}} {{#explode:26 August 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:26 August 2020| |2}}]]

Warning messages have been made more prominent when a light source is about to explode due to swamp gas.


  • The bug lantern is not a light source despite its name. Its only uses are for Slayer to kill Harpie Bug Swarms, and can be used as warm clothing at Wintertodt.
  • Combining multiple light sources increases the brightness, however a brightness level above 3 makes no difference.