Slang dictionary/B
(Redirected from Bank standing)
Abbreviation | Meaning |
(b) | Blessed (sickles) |
B, Bil | Billion, e.g. 1B = 1,000,000,000 coins. |
B2B, BTB | Bones to Bananas, Back to back |
B2P, BTP | Bones to Peaches |
B3B, B2B2B | Back to back to back |
BA | Barbarian Assault |
Bally | Ballista |
Bank made | An exclamation, usually sarcastic, about the value of a drop or other benefit. Particularly used of drops (such as dragon boots) which used to be extremely valuable and are now merely "nice". |
Bankstanding | AFKing or socialising with other players in a populated area such as a bank or the Grand Exchange. |
Barb | Barbarian, Barb-tail harpoon, Barbarian Village |
Barb Village, Barb Vil | Barbarian Village |
Barrage | Ice Barrage or any other Barrage spell in the Ancient Magicks spellbook. |
Baxe | Battleaxe |
BBD | Brutal black dragons |
Bbones | Big bones |
BCP | Bandos chestplate |
BCS | Beneath Cursed Sands |
BF | Blast Furnace, Amulet of blood fury |
Bgloves | Barrows gloves from Recipe for Disaster |
BGS | Bandos godsword |
BH | Bird house, Bounty Hunter |
BiS | Best-in-slot |
BJ(ing) | Blackjacking, a way to train Thieving. |
BK | Bot kill(ing) (Player killing bots in the Wilderness) |
Blitz | Ice Blitz or any other Blitz spell in the Ancient Magicks spellbook. |
Blob(s) | Jal-Ak, Tz-Kek |
Blood(s) | Blood runes, Bloodvelds |
Blorva | Ancient blood ornament kit |
BM | Blast Mine |
Boss kc | Boss kill count |
Bowfa, Bofa | Bow of faerdhinen |
Box | Purposely being attacked by a friend or monster whilst in single combat in order to avoid being killed by a PKer. |
BP, Bpipe | Toxic blowpipe |
Brace | Bracelet |
Brassy | Verac's brassard |
BRD | Brutal red dragons |
Brew(s) | Typically Saradomin brews or, rarely, Zamorak brews. Can also refer to the act of drinking a brew. |
Brid | A player who fights with more than one point on the Combat Triangle. See hybridding. |
Brim | Brimhaven, Brimstone |
B ring | Berserker ring |
Broads | Broad-tipped bolts (Ranged ammunition) |
Bryo | Bryophyta |
BS | Bow strings, bank sale, back stabber (BSer, usually used in PvP) |
B sale, Bsale | Bank sale (used when players have lots of stuff to sell) |
Bsk, Bskr, Berz | Berserker |
BSS | Blessed spirit shield, sometimes erroneously used for Saradomin's blessed sword. |
B staff | Battlestaff |
Btw | By the way. Also used as a joke to refer to Ironmen, example: "I'm a btw, btw" meaning "I'm an ironman, btw." |
Buckler | Twisted buckler |
Bulwark | Dinh's bulwark |
Burgh, Burg, BDR | Burgh de Rott |
Bwan | Karambwan |