Slang dictionary/B

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Abbreviation Meaning
(b) Blessed (sickles)
B, Bil Billion, e.g. 1B = 1,000,000,000 coins.
B2B, BTB Bones to Bananas, Back to back
B2P, BTP Bones to Peaches
B3B, B2B2B Back to back to back
BA Barbarian Assault
Bally Ballista
Bank made An exclamation, usually sarcastic, about the value of a drop or other benefit. Particularly used of drops (such as dragon boots) which used to be extremely valuable and are now merely "nice".
Bankstanding AFKing or socialising with other players in a populated area such as a bank or the Grand Exchange.
Barb Barbarian, Barb-tail harpoon, Barbarian Village
Barb Village, Barb Vil Barbarian Village
Barrage Ice Barrage or any other Barrage spell in the Ancient Magicks spellbook.
Baxe Battleaxe
BBD Brutal black dragons
Bbones Big bones
BCP Bandos chestplate
BCS Beneath Cursed Sands
BF Blast Furnace, Amulet of blood fury
Bgloves Barrows gloves from Recipe for Disaster
BGS Bandos godsword
BH Bird house, Bounty Hunter
BiS Best-in-slot
BJ(ing) Blackjacking, a way to train Thieving.
BK Bot kill(ing) (Player killing bots in the Wilderness)
Blitz Ice Blitz or any other Blitz spell in the Ancient Magicks spellbook.
Blob(s) Jal-Ak, Tz-Kek
Blood(s) Blood runes, Bloodvelds
Blorva Ancient blood ornament kit
BM Blast Mine
Boss kc Boss kill count
Bowfa, Bofa Bow of faerdhinen
Box Purposely being attacked by a friend or monster whilst in single combat in order to avoid being killed by a PKer.
BP, Bpipe Toxic blowpipe
Brace Bracelet
Brassy Verac's brassard
BRD Brutal red dragons
Brew(s) Typically Saradomin brews or, rarely, Zamorak brews. Can also refer to the act of drinking a brew.
Brid A player who fights with more than one point on the Combat Triangle. See hybridding.
Brim Brimhaven, Brimstone
B ring Berserker ring
Broads Broad-tipped bolts (Ranged ammunition)
Bryo Bryophyta
BS Bow strings, bank sale, back stabber (BSer, usually used in PvP)
B sale, Bsale Bank sale (used when players have lots of stuff to sell)
Bsk, Bskr, Berz Berserker
BSS Blessed spirit shield, sometimes erroneously used for Saradomin's blessed sword.
B staff Battlestaff
Btw By the way. Also used as a joke to refer to Ironmen, example: "I'm a btw, btw" meaning "I'm an ironman, btw."
Buckler Twisted buckler
Bulwark Dinh's bulwark
Burgh, Burg, BDR Burgh de Rott
Bwan Karambwan