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Primary typeCrush
Secondary typeNone
Attack speed
4 ticks (2.4 seconds)

Blackjacks are a group of members' only melee weapons. They are used in the Thieving skill to lure/knockout certain NPCs located in Pollnivneach. There are three types of blackjack: ordinary, offensive (also known as attack), and defensive. Ordinary blackjacks provide a small bonus to strength, while offensive and defensive raise both strength and their respective crush types.

Although the blackjack types are functionally the same when used to lure/knockout specific NPCs, they each provide different combat bonuses, with higher tier blackjacks being capable of stunning enemies for longer if used in melee combat.[1]

Combat styles

Combat styleAttack typeWeapon styleExperienceLevel boost
PoundCrushAccurateAttack Hitpoints+3 Attack
PummelCrushAggressiveStrength Hitpoints+3 Strength
BlockCrushDefensiveDefence Hitpoints+3 Defence


Lua error in Module:Infotable_Bonuses at line 224: Of the 9 pages requested, there is 9 missing.(Willow blackjack(o) Willow blackjack(d) Oak blackjack Oak blackjack(o) Maple blackjack Maple blackjack(o) Oak blackjack(d) Willow blackjack Maple blackjack(d) ) Try temporarily disabling sorting to see which items might have multiple variants..


Ordinary blackjacks can be purchased from the trader near the kebab shop in Pollnivneach after the blackjacking section of The Feud. To obtain offensive and defensive blackjacks the player must first complete the blackjack section of the Rogue Trader miniquest. Once this is completed, the player can either buy ordinary/offensive blackjack or ordinary/defensive ones from Ali Morrisane and, if they want to switch types, can talk to the blackjack seller in Pollnivneach.

To use the blackjacks the player must first have progressed enough in The Feud to learn how to use a blackjack and have the necessary Thieving level to pickpocket either Villagers, bandits or Menaphite Thugs. Once the requirements are met and the player is wielding a blackjack, they can select 'Lure' on the right-click menu. When away from other NPCs the player should choose 'Knock-out', though there is always a chance they will fail to knock-out the NPC. The player can then safely pickpocket the unconscious NPC.

The knockout success rate is determined by the player's Thieving level. When knocking out Menaphite Thugs, the success rate at level 99 Thieving is 94%[2], increasing linearly from 31% at level 1 (disregarding the actual requirement).[3] The knockout success rate by level is shown in the following graph for Menaphite Thugs.

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Notes for effective blackjacking

Blackjacking in action.
  • 'Lure' only needs to be used if the NPC can be seen by other NPCs. If you lure your target NPC into a house and close the door, you should not have to use 'Lure' anymore.
  • Once you successfully knock out an NPC, you can guarantee two pickpockets. To do so, you need to 'Pickpocket' as fast as possible. The guaranteed pickpocket attempts can be seen when your player bends over (bury bone animation) instead of doing a normal pickpocket animation. If your inventory is completely full and you don't have any coinbags on you, or if you have 28 coinbags on you, then you will almost only ever be able to do guaranteed pickpockets as normal pickpockets will give you the "inventory full" message. This is helpful when pickpocketing to interrupt the second hit after a failed knockout.
  • If you fail to knock the NPC out, it may attack you. The attacking NPC can be interrupted before its second hit by doing either 'Pickpocket' (successfully or not!) or a successful 'Knock-Out'. Alternatively, you can briefly climb a nearby ladder if your HP is low, or if you fail to interrupt the NPC before his second hit.
  • If you engage combat with the NPC, you can interrupt it by using 'lure' at the same time he attacks and going through the dialogue before the next attack occurs. You don't want to interact again right away, otherwise he will still attack you; you have to wait a few ticks for him to become unaggressive.
  • Because of this, it can be good practice to immediately 'Pickpocket' after selecting 'Knock-Out'. If your Knock-Out fails, then you will immediately interrupt the NPC. If you succeed, then you will pickpocket quickly enough to get the second guaranteed pickpocket.
  • Buy wine from Faisal the Barman for food. Alternatively, there is a Banknote Exchange Merchant near the general store. Bring cheap, noted food and use your pickpocket money to minimise downtime. A good food suggestion is strawberries, which are the most efficient healing to inventory-space ratio food item.

Combat mechanics

A player stuns their opponent with a blackjack.

When a blackjack is used in combat, it has a chance to temporarily stun your opponent, delaying their next attack. The chance of this stun depends on your hit, and the opponent's current hitpoints: a random integer is generated between 0 and your hit (inclusive), and compared against another random integer between 0 and your opponent's hitpoints (inclusive). If the first number is greater, the opponent will be stunned.[4]

This stun mechanic does not depend at all on whether the blackjack is defensive or offensive. The length of the delay depends on the tier of the blackjack:

  • Oak blackjacks delay the next hit by 1 tick
  • Willow blackjacks delay the next hit by 2 tick
  • Maple blackjacks delay the next hit by 3 tick

Multiple stuns will stack and further delay the opponent's hit by the same amount.

Template:Calculator:Blackjack stun


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^