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Primary typeCrush
Secondary typeN/A
Attack speed
6 ticks (3.6 seconds)

Polestaves are single or two-handed weapons that are fully based on a crush attack style. They provide an attack style in each of the three melee styles, and do not provide any magic auto-casting. Among the polestaves, there are several types of banners such as the Western banners, and the three types of Mjolnir available from the Enchanted Key miniquest.

Polestaff weapons are essentially identical to staves and wands, except for the ability to auto-cast spells. Whereas staves and wands are able to select a spell to auto-cast in at least one spellbook, polestaves lack such ability and serve solely as a melee crush weapon.

The mjolnirs, being affiliated with the gods, provide protection from their related factions in the God Wars Dungeon. But their stats are roughly equivalent to that of an iron 2h sword, which make the mjolnirs serve little purpose and gives them a mostly cosmetic purpose. Since players can only find each mjolnir once during the miniquest, players who lose or sell their mjolnirs can only re-obtain the item through trade with another player.

Other than the mjolnirs, most other polestaff weapons also mainly serve a cosmetic purpose, and are largely not intended for actual combat.

Combat styles

Combat styleAttack typeWeapon styleExperienceLevel boost
BashCrushAccurateAttack Hitpoints+3 Attack
PoundCrushAggressiveStrength Hitpoints+3 Strength
BlockCrushDefensiveDefence Hitpoints+3 Defence


Lua error in Module:Infotable_Bonuses at line 224: Of the 6 pages requested, there is 6 missing.(Zamorak mjolnir Dragon cane Pharaoh's sceptre#Uncharged Saradomin mjolnir Guthix mjolnir Royal sceptre ) Try temporarily disabling sorting to see which items might have multiple variants..

Lua error in Module:Infotable_Bonuses at line 224: Of the 9 pages requested, there is 9 missing.(Western banner 2 Western banner 4 Lovakengj banner Shayzien banner Piscarilius banner Hosidius banner Western banner 1 Arceuus banner Western banner 3 ) Try temporarily disabling sorting to see which items might have multiple variants..
