Chocolate chips

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Dark chocolateWhite chocolate
Chocolate chips
Released16 December 2021 (Update)
Removal5 January 2022 (Update)
Quest itemNone
OptionsEat, Destroy
DestroyYou will have to search the bushes for some more.
ExamineA bag of chocolate chips.
Value0 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight0.001 kg
Advanced data
Item ID26304

Chocolate chips were an item received when searching the bushes south-west of the White Knights' Castle during the 2021 Christmas event. It was said by Herquin that the chips were left in the bushes by Buoy and Gurl when they were playing around in the grassy area. Attempting to eat the chips resulted in a chatbox message saying "I don't want to eat these. Herquin needs them for the gingerbread gnomes!"

The chocolate chips later reappeared during the 2022 Easter event. They could be seen in the chatbox when the Easter Bunny offered them to Phoebe Kay in exchange for freezing the Big bucket of camel milk.