The Cloud Titan is a giant who once inhabited the islands of Tempest Bay, known today as the floating city Tempestus, around 900 years ago. Leading a band of hill giants, they were defeated, presumably with a united force of Pericans and Talkasti, in order to secure the islands as a new settlement for their people.[1][2] Defeating the giants, and the subsequent construction of Tempestus, resulted in the groups unification and the founding of Varlamore.[3]
Though the Cloud Titan was believed to have been slain during the attack on Tempest Bay, its armour was never recovered until the adventurer brought it to the Grand Museum and donated it to the staff around 700 years after its defeat.[4] Though he discovered that the Cloud Titan survived the attack and defeated it by himself, historians considered this unlikely.[5][6]
Concept art of the Cloud Titan's armour, by Mod Jerv, alongside a scrapped concept of its club.
^"Grand Museum". Old School RuneScape. "100 years after the founding of Fortis, it was decreed that a second settlement be built to address issues caused by the fast growing population."
^"Grand Museum". Old School RuneScape. "At the time, the islands of Tempest Bay were not considered a strong contender due to the unstable ground and the presence of a band of hill giants."
^Curator Herminius. Old School RuneScape. "As the two groups came together, the population of the region started to rapidly expand. This eventually led to the construction of Tempestus, and with it, the founding of Varlamore."
^"Grand Museum". Old School RuneScape. "Despite the Cloud Titan being defeated around 900 years ago, the armour was not found until roughly 700 years later when it was donated to the museum by a traveller."
^ in Bloody diary. Old School RuneScape. "In my travels throughout the Shining Kingdom, I have bested many mighty creatures. From the Colossal Wyrm of the Avium Savannah to the Cloud Titan of Tempestus, I am proud to proclaim myself as a master slayer."
^"Grand Museum". Old School RuneScape. "The traveller claimed to have slain the Cloud Titan himself, with the giant having survived its original defeat. However, experts consider this unlikely."