Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Sir Amik Varze

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Freeing Sir Amik Varze (#100.8)
Released 15 March 2006 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series None
Lead developer(s) James B (framework)

Freeing Sir Amik Varze


Start pointMap icon Inspect Sir Amik Varze.
Official difficultySpecial
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionSir Amik Varze requires a crème brulee supreme. Talk to the Cook to learn how to make one in this complicated but fun subquest.
Items required
Enemies to defeat
Ironman concerns
The player visits Entrana
Advised to collect your dramen branch beforehand as the brulee does not appear on death piles.
League notes

Asgarnia Asgarnia — location requirement
Fremennik Fremennik — location requirement
Kandarin Kandarin OR Morytania Morytania — location requirement


Warning: If Swan Song has been started, the Wise Old Man will not have the dialogue option about the Evil Chicken. He will only talk about the runes for Swan Song until Herman Caranos asks the player to help around the colony.

Inspect Sir Amik to start the quest. Legends' Quest must be started in order to free him. Ask the Cook how to make a brulee supreme. He will tell you to mix milk and cream, add a pot of cornflour, a vanilla pod from the Kharazi Jungle, the egg of the Evil Chicken and cinnamon, made by crushing a dramen branch. Then, you must flambé it using a dragon somehow.

Note: The ingredients can be gathered in any order, but must be combined in the following order. Be sure to speak to the Cook about freeing Sir Amik or you will be unable to inquire about the Evil Chicken's whereabouts later on.
  1. Use the bucket of milk on the pot of cream to mix them.
  2. Add a pot of cornflour to the milky mixture. If you do not have cornflour, make it by grinding raw sweetcorn in a windmill and filling a pot with it.
  3. Add a vanilla pod to the cornflour mixture. Vanilla pods may be found in the south-west section of the Kharazi Jungle. Pick a vanilla pod from the vanilla plants near the coastline.

Evil Chicken and Black Dragon

<mapframe align="right" text="There are five vanilla plants. You only need one Vanilla Pod to complete the quest, and the item has no other uses." plane="0" width="250" y="2895" x="2818" height="250" zoom="2" mapID="0">


X/Y: 2818,2895



  1. Note: If you do not talk to the Cook before this point in the sub-quest, you will not have the option to ask about the Evil Chicken through the Wise Old Man's Dialogue. Return to Lumbridge Castle and talk to him if you have not done so.
  2. Talk to the Wise Old Man of Draynor Village, in the building north of the bank. Choose the option about wanting to ask him something, and ask to talk about strange beasts, and then, ask about the Evil Chicken.
A player fighting the Evil Chicken in its lair.
  1. Enter Zanaris and use the bank to set up for some combat: bring your Anti-dragon shield, and whatever you think you'll need to kill the Evil Chicken and a safespottable level 227 black dragon. In case you choose to bank between them, you will need another raw chicken. The Evil Chicken is level 159 if you are between 58-100 combat — level 170 if you're higher. Once you are ready for the fights, equip your anti-dragon shield, and use a raw chicken (green Raw chicken from Morytania will not work) on the Evil Chicken shrine north of the fairy ring that leads to the shack in Lumbridge (North-east of the fairy ring that you teleport into normally).
  2. With your anti-dragon shield (or Dragonfire shield) equipped, kill one black dragon. If you are ranging or using a halberd, there is a safespot next to the entrance and just inside the corridor that leads to a mine. When it dies, the dragon will drop a dragon token. Note: If you die whilst killing the black dragon and the evil chicken's egg is in your inventory, the egg will respawn in the nest.
  3. Run past the black dragons into the northern cave (not the mining-area to the east), and kill the Evil Chicken. It fights the same as it used to during random event fights. The Evil Chicken hits frequently with Magic, but for very low damage - it shouldn't be too hard to kill. Take note that if you happen to die before you leave the lair after killing the Evil Chicken, all items dropped on death will disappear! Pick up the egg it drops.
  4. Back in a bank, add the egg to the brulee, and then, grind your dramen branch into cinnamon with your pestle and mortar and add that too. A game message should now tell you that "Now it just needs flambeing."
  5. Put your ice gloves on, and then, rub the token. K'klik will appear (you must be in Lumbridge or Zanaris for this to work). Wish for it to flambé your brulee to cook it. You can take up to 50 damage if you don't wear any ice gloves (it is possible to reload the game to stop the scene if you forgot, alternatively you can use the second dialogue option "Could I just keep your token" to exit the dialogue & return to the world). (Antifire potion + Anti-dragon shield works as well.) If a cat or kitten is following you, a glitch may occur where it disappears. Your pet is still following you - simply log out and log back in to fix this or "Call follower" on "Worn Equipment" tab.
  6. Travel back to Lumbridge Castle and then give the brulee to Sir Amik Varze to protect him.
The Fairy Dragon
The music which plays when meeting K'klik.
File:The Fairy Dragon.ogg
K'klik flambees the brulee.




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