When speaking to K'klik, it is highly recommended to wear ice gloves or an anti-dragon shield with an anti-fire potion, as otherwise the player may take a large amount of damage when he flambés the brulee supreme.
During the quest, K'klik is surprised to see the player, saying that they are not the hero the token was originally given to.
Below lists the damage K'klik can do with various levels of protection:
This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page. Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.Expression error: Unrecognised word "span".
When you summon K'Klik, you may choose to ask him for a horse to which he replies that there are no horses in Gielinor (a reference to the constant requests for horses by players).
If you choose to ask for XP he'll reply, "Sorry, can't help. You'll need to ask the genie for that."