? (edit)20025080100? (edit)20025080100? (edit)1602304090? (edit)1602304090? (edit)12016? (edit)12016? (edit)20025080100? (edit)20025080100? (edit)12016? (edit)12016? (edit)1622604682? (edit)1622604682? (edit)112223? (edit)112223? (edit)+1073+500+505+400? (edit)1073500505400+00+00+00+00+00+00+00? (edit)+928+500+280+360? (edit)928500280360? (edit)-15+0-30-6? (edit)-150-30-6Nylocas Hagios
File:Nylocas Hagios.png7 June 2018 (Update)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)1x12x21x12x2? (edit)1212YesOne of Verzik's pets.NoNo? (edit)? (edit)MagicMagic3 ticks (1.8 seconds)3
? (edit)No elemental weakness? (edit)+0%0? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)1724510? (edit)1724510? (edit)1724510? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)None? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)ImmuneImmuneImmuneImmune? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)8344,8350,8383,10793,10799,108608347,8353,10796,1080210776,1078210779, 10785? (edit)8344&&SPLITPOINT&&8350&&SPLITPOINT&&8383&&SPLITPOINT&&10793&&SPLITPOINT&&10799&&SPLITPOINT&&108608347&&SPLITPOINT&&8353&&SPLITPOINT&&10796&&SPLITPOINT&&1080210776&&SPLITPOINT&&1078210779&&SPLITPOINT&&10785? (edit)SmallBigSmall (Entry mode)Big (Entry mode)Monster? (edit)DEFAULT,DEFAULT? (edit)+0+0+00000Versions: 4 SMW Subobject for SmallMagic defence bonus: 0Examine: One of Verzik's pets.Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 928Ranged Strength bonus: -15Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 1Heavy range defence bonus: 0NPC ID: 8344, 8350, 8383, 10793, 10799, 10860Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 7 June 2018Version anchor: SmallRanged level: 200Attack level: 200Combat level: 162Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Nylocas HagiosMagic attack bonus: 1073Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: MagicImmune to poison: ImmuneLight range defence bonus: 0Attack speed: 3Hitpoints: 11Image: File:Nylocas Hagios.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 17Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 0Magic level: 1Name: Nylocas HagiosStrength bonus: 0Size: 1Strength level: 160Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
SMW Subobject for Big (Entry mode)Magic defence bonus: 0Examine: One of Verzik's pets.Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 360Ranged Strength bonus: -6Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 6Heavy range defence bonus: 0NPC ID: 10779, 10785Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 7 June 2018Version anchor: Big (Entry mode)Ranged level: 100Attack level: 100Combat level: 82Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Nylocas HagiosMagic attack bonus: 400Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: MagicImmune to poison: ImmuneLight range defence bonus: 0Attack speed: 3Hitpoints: 3Image: File:Nylocas Hagios.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 10Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 0Magic level: 6Name: Nylocas HagiosStrength bonus: 0Size: 2Strength level: 90Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
SMW Subobject for Small (Entry mode)Magic defence bonus: 0Examine: One of Verzik's pets.Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 280Ranged Strength bonus: -30Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 1Heavy range defence bonus: 0NPC ID: 10776, 10782Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 7 June 2018Version anchor: Small (Entry mode)Ranged level: 80Attack level: 80Combat level: 46Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Nylocas HagiosMagic attack bonus: 505Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: MagicImmune to poison: ImmuneLight range defence bonus: 0Attack speed: 3Hitpoints: 2Image: File:Nylocas Hagios.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 5Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 0Magic level: 1Name: Nylocas HagiosStrength bonus: 0Size: 1Strength level: 40Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
SMW Subobject for BigMagic defence bonus: 0Examine: One of Verzik's pets.Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 500Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 20Heavy range defence bonus: 0NPC ID: 8347, 8353, 10796, 10802Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 7 June 2018Version anchor: BigRanged level: 250Attack level: 250Combat level: 260Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Nylocas HagiosMagic attack bonus: 500Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: MagicImmune to poison: ImmuneLight range defence bonus: 0Attack speed: 3Hitpoints: 22Image: File:Nylocas Hagios.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 24Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 0Magic level: 20Name: Nylocas HagiosStrength bonus: 0Size: 2Strength level: 230Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
Nylocas Hagios are part of the wave prior to the Nylocas Vasilias encounter in the Theatre of Blood. They spawn alongside Nylocas Toxobolos and Nylocas Ischyros as they attempt to destroy the pillars. They also appear during the Verzik Vitur encounter, spawned periodically during the second and third phase whereupon they chase after players and burst when they get near, dealing high damage.
- The word "Nylocas" is very similar to the Hungarian word "Nyolcas", meaning "eight", referencing the eight legs of this arachnid-like creature.
- The latter part of the name of the Nylocas Hagios likely derives from the Greek term "ἅγιος" ("ágios"), meaning "holy" or "saintlike", referencing its background within the lore and its magical powers.
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