A player unlocks a relic in the Trailblazer League.
Relics are powerful buffs that are unlocked with League Points. Upon completing the tutorial, players are presented with three Relics to choose from without the need for points. There are six tiers of relics in total, as well as an additional passive buff automatically unlocked at each tier. Each tier corresponds to a different aspect of the game: skilling, teleportation, combat, and utility.
Once players choose a Relic of a tier, they will be permanently unlocked, but cannot change their Relic selection for that tier.
All non-combat skills will permanently be boosted by 12.
When skills are boosted beyond 12 levels, the boosts will over time drain back to the standard +12 boost. By the same token, when skills are drained down, they will eventually restore.
Tier 2 (500 points)
Tier 2 relics focus on teleportation benefits.
Passive Effect: League XP multiplier increased from 5x to 8x.
Must be unlocked in a bank as the player is given an item upon unlocking this relic.
Players are given a crystal of memories which allows players to teleport themselves back to the location where their most recent teleport occurred, excluding instances.
Tier 3 (2,000 points)
Tier 3 relics focus on combat benefits.
Passive Effect: Items from some sources will be 2x as common.
Ranged attacks deal 10% more damage and have 100% increased accuracy against NPCs (50% against players).
90% of ammunition is saved when using ranged weapons, excluding chinchompas. Crystal bow and Toxic blowpipe item charges are also affected by this effect.
Players can choose which slayer assignment they would like to receive.
Superior slayer monsters will have a 1/25 chance of appearing, and will always drop a clue scroll if they are able to drop one. In addition, they will roll their standard variant's drop table six times, though this does not increase the amount of rolls on the superior creature's unique drop table.
Tier 5 (7,500 points)
Tier 5 relics focus on skilling benefits.
Passive Effect: Items from some sources will be 3x as common.
Must be unlocked in a bank as the player is given items upon unlocking this relic.
The player is given a set of Trailblazer tools that act as undegradable variants of crystal tools with no requirements, plus some additional effects:
Trailblazer axe: Any logs chopped are burned, granting Firemaking experience regardless of level requirements.
Trailblazer pickaxe: Any ore mined will be smelted into a metal bar (if applicable), granting Smithing experience regardless of level requirements.
Trailblazer harpoon: Any fish caught are cooked, granting Cooking experience regardless of level requirements. If equipped, it will also work for fish that don't require a harpoon to be caught, e.g. trout.
Any successful hit will have a 50% chance of restoring the player's Hitpoints and Prayer points by 10% of the damage dealt.
This Relic does not work for multi-target attacks (such as chinchompas and burst spells) or special attacks. However, it will work with the Scythe of Vitur's initial hit, as well as the secondary hits if those hits damage the same target as the initial hit.