Ice spells

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Ice spells are one of four types of Ancient Magicks combat spells. In addition to dealing damage, these spells freeze the target in place, preventing it from moving.

Ice spells may refer to:

Icon Mobile
Spell Magic Level Runes Base XP Max damage
(without bonuses)
Freeze time
Ice Rush Magic 58 2Water 2Chaos 2Death 34 16 4.8 seconds
Ice Burst Magic 70 4Water 4Chaos 2Death 40 22 9.6 seconds
Ice Blitz Magic 82 3Water 2Blood 2Death 48.5 26 14.4 seconds
Ice Barrage Magic 94 6Water 2Blood 4Death 52 30 19.2 seconds

Targets are immune from being frozen again for 5 ticks (3 seconds) after the freeze time expires.

Casting an ice spell with the tome of water equipped does not use the 20% accuracy and damage bonus normally applied, nor does it use any charges.

In the Wilderness, Blighted ancient ice sacks can replace the runes required to cast ice spells.
