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A lever is a piece of interactive scenery that is used in RuneScape to activate something. This may be a method of transportation—for example, the Ardougne/Edgeville teleport lever. Players can usually pull a lever simply by left-clicking on it (see Game controls).

The "lever" which most players are referring to when mentioning it in game is the Ardougne teleport lever, a common way to get in and out of Deep Wilderness quickly and relatively safely. There is a similar lever located in the mausoleum just south of the Edgeville bank that also leads to the Deserted Keep. There is another lever in the Deserted Keep that can teleport players back out of the Wilderness.

Levers are also often used in quests, perhaps as a simple control on a machine, or on a wall. For example, in Ernest the Chicken, players must pull five levers in a specific order to obtain the oil can needed for the quest. In addition, mox, aga, and lye levers are used in the Mastering Mixology minigame where pulling any of the levers will deposit their respective paste into the mixing vessel.

Also, a lever could be found in one of the ScapeRune random events. Players were instructed to pull a lever to find the shape of the balloon that they were supposed to pop and give the resulting key to Prison Pete. It took three successful attempts in a row for the player to complete the random event.

Members may also build a lever to activate the trapdoor in the Throne Room of their Player-owned house. This can be an oak lever at level 68 Construction, a teak lever at level 78 Construction, or a mahogany lever at level 88 Construction.

See also