Transportation includes all of the varied means of getting around the RuneScape realm of Gielinor.
Efficient transportation
To get through RuneScape in an efficient manner, you should consider the following things:
- Train your Agility for faster restoration of run energy.
- Use weight-reducing gear to run for longer periods.
- Train your Magic level to unlock teleport spells, or purchase teleport tablets instead.
- Complete quests to gain access to transportation methods such as spirit trees, fairy rings, gnome gliders and certain spells.
- When travelling a lot, consider joining world 330, if your house is in Rimmington. Teleport to your house, exit via the portal, and look if there are any high level hosts available. Join their house, and use their installed teleportation methods. If the hosts have maxed out houses, they often also have rejuvenation pools, restoring your run energy. Especially for low-level players, this method opens up an extreme range of teleportation options for the price of just one house teleport.
Foot travel
Walking or running is the basic method of travel. The amount of weight carried determines how long a player can run, while their Agility level impacts their run energy restoration rate. The more weight you carry, the shorter distance you can run. Additionally, pressing the Control key and clicking on a part of the map temporarily turns on run.
- Agility shortcuts and obstacles: By taking shortcuts, a player is able to reach a destination faster. The higher the Agility level, the more shortcuts are available. There are also obstacles, which are similar to shortcuts, but have one major difference: using these agility obstacles is the only way to get to that certain area.
Instant teleportation
Teleportation is the instant travel from any location to a specific location elsewhere. This can take a number of different forms, including:
- Magic, Ancient Magicks, Lunar, and Arceuus teleport spells and their corresponding tablets.
- Grouping teleports
- Numerous enchanted jewellery provide teleports.
- Several other items, such as the Chronicle, the Pharaoh's sceptre, the Skull sceptre, and the Ectophial offer specific teleport destinations.
- Mysterious ruins to rune altars.
- Wizards to rune essence mines.
- A Dorgesh-kaan sphere will take you to Dorgesh-Kaan, and a Goblin village sphere will take you to Goblin Village.
Transportation systems
Template:Map:Transportation Transportation systems let you move between each of their locations freely, as long as you reach one of their locations. There are some exceptions (Canoe to the Wilderness pond for example) and they are all noted down below.
Land, air and teleportation networks
- Fairy rings. With over 50 locations this is one of the largest, most widespread transportation systems on the Gielinor surface, underground, and in other Realms
- Spirit trees. The player is able to grow spirit trees to add to this transportation system by raising their Farming level
- The Lovakengj Minecart Network in Kourend and Kebos
- The Quetzal transport system in Varlamore
- Gnome gliders
- Wilderness Obelisks, although the player cannot control their destination until they have completed the Hard Wilderness diary
- Eagle transport system
- Hot air Balloon transport system
- Keldagrim minecart system
- Magic carpets in the Kharidian Desert
- Levers between Ardougne, Edgeville, and the Deserted Keep. The non-Wilderness levers do not link directly, but can be used to reach each other via the Deserted Keep if the Easy Wilderness diary has been completed
- Teleporters within the Lassar Undercity
Ship and boat networks
- Charter ships
- Canoes, including the Wilderness pond (destination only)
- Captain Barnaby's ship between Ardougne, Brimhaven and Rimmington
- Ships in Port Sarim to Void Knight Outpost, Musa Point, Entrana, Port Piscarilius, Land's End and each back to Port Sarim
- Ships in Rellekka to Waterbirth Island, Pirate's cove, Jatizso, Neitiznot, Iceberg, Miscellania, Etceteria, and each back to Rellekka
- The rowboats on Fossil Island
- The Boaty located at various docks around Lake Molch
- The boat east of Rellekka operated by Larry, used to travel to the Iceberg and Weiss
- The boat used in Darkness of Hallowvale, which is later replaced with a rowboat that travels between Burgh de Rott, Meiyerditch and the Icyene Graveyard
Two-way shuttles
- The ship that fares between Corsair Cove and Rimmington
- Dorgesh-Kaan–Keldagrim train system
- Shilo Village cart system
- Swamp Boaty
- The ship that fares between the Ruins of Unkah and Tempoross Cove
- Ogre boat ride, netween Karamja and Feldip Hills
- Rowboat between Crash Island and Ape Atoll
- Rowman Holgart (Jeb after The Slug Menace) between Witchaven and Fishing Platform
- The Canal barge, sailing between the Digsite and Fossil Island
- Lady Zay, sailing between Pirates' Cove and Lunar Isle
- Lokar Searunner's boat that fares between Rellekka and Pirates' Cove
- Kathy Corkat's boat, faring between just south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony and the western side of the Tree Gnome Stronghold
- Andras' boat faring between just north-east of the Ectofuntus and a small dock south of Slepe for a price of 10,000gp
- Pirate Pete's boat faring between just north-east of the Ectofuntus and Braindeath Island
- The Ghost Captain's boat faring between Port Phasmatys and Dragontooth Island
- The ferry between Al Kharid and the Ruins of Unkah
- Kylie Minnow's boat that fares between the Fishing Guild and the minnow platform
One-way transportation
These methods of transportation need you to be in one specific location, and will take you to another location, with no way back. See Teleportation for similar methods of transportation, including quest-specific methods.
- The Abyss. Mage of Zamorak to enter, runic rifts to leave
- Dying
- Lady of the Waves
- Any Lunar Isle inhabitant to Rellekka by talking to them and being kicked off the island, due to not having a seal of passage
- Alternatively, using the Return Orb to teleport away from the island, after completion of the Elite Fremennik Diary
- Mercenary guards will teleport players somewhere north-west of the mining camp if they try to bribe them while holding no money in their inventory, or if caught leaving the camp while holding a weapon[confirmation needed].
- Myths' Guild portals
- Portal Chamber in a player-owned house
- Shantay will teleport a player to Port Sarim Jail from the Shantay Pass if a player claims to be an outlaw and twice refuses to pay the fine
- Wizards' Guild portals
- Zandar Horfyre will teleport a player to the Lumbridge Swamp from the Dark Wizard's Tower if a player talks to him and continuously refuses to leave