Making Friends with My Arm

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Making Friends with My Arm (#139)
Released 6 September 2018 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series Troll, #5
Lead developer(s) Mod Ash, Mod Munro

Making Friends with My Arm is a master quest in the troll quest series that follows on from My Arm's Big Adventure. It was first announced during RuneFest 2016 on 17 September 2016 and polled on 15 August 2018 as part of the Raise your hands for My Arm? poll.

The quest involves travelling with My Arm to Weiss, a troll town just north-east of Trollweiss Mountain, to establish relations with the ice trolls who were driven out of the mines of Keldagrim by the Wise Old Man many years ago. However, My Arm must first woo the troll maiden Snowflake and kill the Wise Old Man.


Start pointMap icon Talk to Burntmeat in the Troll Stronghold's kitchen. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="1" y="10062" x="2841" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2841.5,10060.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2841,10060

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":"1","title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyMaster
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionMy Arm, the troll from My Arm's Big Adventure, must embark on another journey of discovery. This time, you'll be escorting him to Weiss, a newly discovered troll town in the far north of the world, so he can share his wisdom *cough* with the inhabitants, in exchange for learning about their inventions. Life's journeys can take us to some strange places, but My Arm is about to face the greatest adventure of all - true love. Plus, they'd like him to kill the Wise Old Man of Draynor Village, which doesn't sound like a clever move. Can you help My Arm get a grip on the situation and woo the fair Snowflake over the objections of her father, Mother? Or will My Arm be left to a loveless life of loneliness?
Items required
Enemies to defeat
League notes

Unlocking Desert Desert will auto-complete the quest
Unlocking Fremennik Fremennik will auto-complete the quest


Starting out

Items required: None.
Items recommended: Weight-reducing clothing, teleports to Trollheim and Rellekka.

Head to the Troll Stronghold, and speak to Burntmeat. He will tell you that an important visitor, Wolfbone, has arrived, and that they require your help. Agree to help them. Wolfbone will stop you from starting the quest if you don't have 66 firemaking. Wolfbone comes from a place called Weiss, a troll town far north of the Stronghold, and wants to meet with the mountain trolls to trade knowledge. His leader, Mother, wants the mountain trolls to send an ambassador up to Weiss to teach the Weiss Trolls their inventions, while Wolfbone teaches theirs in the Stronghold. Burntmeat will tell you that they have chosen My Arm to be the ambassador for the mountain trolls, as he has travelled to distant lands (with you) before. Wolfbone will then show you the way to their town by sea, as climbing the mountains is too difficult.

Go to My Arm by his herb patch by taking the stairs south of Burntmeat, and climbing the ladder on the wall north of Kob. You will see My Arm training Drunken Dwarf's Leg to take over his role as the herb patch caretaker. Talk to My Arm, and ask him to meet you by Larry's boat, north-east of Rellekka.

Head to Larry's boat. The quickest way to reach there is using the fairy ring code DKS, and then running west. Talk to Larry and ask him if you could borrow his boat, and after some amusing dialogue, a short cutscene will play, showing My Arm's arrival. Speak to Larry again, and you and My Arm will sail to Weiss.

Troll Diplomacy

Items required: Any pickaxe and rope (both obtainable during this part), mining and agility boosts if you need them.
Items recommended: Weight-reducing clothing and stamina potions, a teleport to Draynor Village. If your agility level is not much higher than 68, bring some food, as failing the rockslides can deal at least 15 damage.

After some time, you and My Arm will arrive just north of Weiss. As My Arm cannot climb the rockslide, you must find a way to help him. Search the wrecked boat and obtain a rope and bronze pickaxe if needed. A hammer can also be taken if one hasn't been obtained by the player.

Climbing up the cliff to reach Weiss.

Attempt to mine the cave entrance. After some dialogue, boost up your Agility if necessary (68 required), climb up the rockslides, and use a rope on the tree. Next, climb the rope and cross the ledge. Lastly, climb the next rockslide and pass the fallen tree.

Kicked out of Weiss
The track that plays upon getting knocked out.
File:Kicked out of Weiss.ogg

Weiss surface

Once you've reached the top, speak to Boulder. He will refuse to let you in, as humans are not welcome in the town and disbelieves that you brought a troll along. Instead, go east of him and sneak in through the gap in the fence. You will enter an instanced version of the city with trolls throwing rocks at you, which will knock you out of the city if they hit you. Be sure to read through below and reference the diagrams, as once you start running, unless you are in a safe area, the trolls will hit you and kick you out. Running diagonally tends to help evade troll throws.

Go south along the city's edge, then west, moving from safespot to safespot if necessary, until you come across a small alleyway east of the ice wolf pen. Move yourself to Safespot 1 shown on the right. Then, click on the bucket spawn a little to the north-west to move to Safespot 2.

Now for the hardest part: click on the Little Boulder (it has a left-click 'Cross' option) just north of the troll Yellow Snow to begin running there. Once you are a tile away from the boulder (but before you reach it), click on the hole to the north. If everything goes correctly, you should make it inside, but this may take a few attempts. Once inside, DO NOT try to use the ramp; instead, immediately click on the narrow gap to the south, near the body of water.

Safespot 1 (the player's location) and Safespot 2 (the red dot north-west of the player, between two trees).

Cave level

Follow the path and swim through the water, again avoiding the thrown rocks. At the end will be the mine entrance that needs to be unblocked for My Arm to enter, requiring 72 Mining. However, before you can mine it, a path of five stepping stones needs to be created in the water for My Arm to walk on, conveniently provided by the trolls above throwing their rocks into the water. To create this path, first swim to the other side. Click the square you want a stone thrown to, and then move one square away when you see the troll's throwing animation begin. Continue this until the path is completed (it will need to be five boulders long), then boost up if necessary, mine the rubble, and let My Arm walk in. The trolls cease attacking once they see My Arm and will take you to the city's leader — Mother, his bodyguard Don't Know What, and his inventor assistant Odd Mushroom. He also has a daughter, Snowflake, with whom My Arm falls in love.

Swimming through the Weiss cave, evading trolls in the process.

Once Mother asks what My Arm has to offer to the trolls of Weiss, pick every chat option possible. Mother will be uninterested in any of the offerings My Arm has to make any business with Weiss, and he is adamant that trolls only need to be concerned about physical strength and prowess; he also wants his daughter to marry Don't Know What, who would inherit the throne once Mother dies, though Snowflake secretly opposes the arrangement.

Once upon a time, the Weiss trolls attacked the dwarves of Keldagrim...

Having nothing to offer to Mother, you and My Arm leave the hut. Outside, speak to My Arm, and pick every chat option once more. You will learn from Odd Mushroom that the trolls of Weiss once lived further south near Keldagrim, and was driven away by a then-young Wise Old Man. A plan is devised to let My Arm impress Mother by faking the killing of Wise Old Man, a long-time enemy of the Weiss trolls.

The Wise "Dead" Man

Make your way to Draynor Village where you will have to talk to the Wise Old Man. Ask him to help My Arm. He will initially refuse, as he is more of an adventurer than a family mediator; after reminding him of you saving his life during Swan Song, he will agree to help you.

He will ask that you build a mahogany coffin and have the Apothecary brew a cadava potion that is suited for his age. The coffin can be built next to him, granting the player 715 Construction experience. This can be boosted by wearing pieces of the Carpenter's outfit.

Make your way to the Apothecary in Varrock, and have him make a reduced cadava potion. Return to the Wise Old Man and talk to him. He will then drink the potion and "die". Pick up the old man's coffin, and make your way back to Weiss, and speak to My Arm. You can avoid climbing the rockslides by entering the cave you cleared out earlier, which takes you directly into the city.

My Arm will now offer the Wise Old Man's "corpse" to Mother, but he doubts its authenticity due to a lack of battle wounds. Odd Mushroom will attempt to persuade Mother to accept My Arm into the tribe and have Snowflake marry him, but Mother is still set in his ways, claiming that she needs to marry a proper troll like Don't Know What.

My Arm, Snowflake, Odd Mushroom and you attempt to convince Mother that My Arm killed the Wise Old Man.

Snowflake will then become enraged at Mother, telling him he shouldn't tell her how to think and love, and declaring her love for My Arm. He still insists that My Arm is not to be trusted. Suddenly, the Wise Old Man begins snoring. Odd Mushroom will claim that it is the remains of his magic escaping his body. The Wise Old Man will then break wind, convincing Mother that this is all a trick. Mother will become enraged and throw rocks at you, My Arm and Snowflake before battering Odd Mushroom, throwing the group into the cells below.

Talk to Odd Mushroom. He will tell you that Mother has lit a Fire of Domination, which drastically increases his strength and prevents teleportation magic from working, indicating his intention to kill everyone. Odd Mushroom will instruct you to find his notes where he writes down his inventions, so that Snowflake can carry on with his inventions. Shortly afterwards, Odd Mushroom succumbs to his wounds. Snowflake will then ask you to kill her father as revenge for killing Odd Mushroom, seeing Odd Mushroom more of a father than Mother.

The Wise Old Man will warn you to prepare accordingly before the fight as you will be unable to teleport out for the next two combat sequences.

If players need to escape, they must use the smelly hole found within the cell. This will take them outside of Weiss right next to the boat.


Items needed: Ranged equipment, bucket of water
Fighting Don't Know What.

Note: You cannot teleport out of this fight. Despite what the Wise Old Man says, items may be reclaimed upon death from a gravestone outside Weiss.

Once ready, the Wise Old Man will break the cell door, and Don't Know What will attack while Squirrel flees to warn Mother. He uses ranged attacks that can hit through the player's protection prayers. These attacks are different from his normal attacks, with a different animation. When doing the attacks that hit through protection prayers, two boulders are thrown: one where the player is standing and the other for the normal attack. If you successfully dodge the one that is thrown where you are standing then you will not take damage from it, so he can be beaten by running around the arena while attacking with ranged. He has 220 Hitpoints, and is very resistant to magic, so melee or ranged attacks are recommended. Even though Snowflake, My Arm, and the Wise Old Man assist you in the fight, they will not do much damage. Both Don't Know What and Mother are vulnerable to venom (and poison).

You and the gang battle against Snowflake's father, Mother.

After defeating Don't Know What, you and the gang will have to fight Mother. Before fighting him, you must take a bucket next to the large barrel of water, fill it with water and extinguish the fire of domination, or else none of your attacks will hit. You may also escape through the staircase to replenish your supplies. When you come back to Weiss, enter through the cave and you will start the fight with Mother from the beginning. If you die during this fight you will only need to fight Mother again, and will not need to re-do the fight with Don't Know What. Similarly, if you already put out the fire, you will not need to do so a second time.

Once Mother has switched to Protect from Magic, you have successfully put out the fire. Mother uses the same attacks as Don't Know What, but also uses a melee attack that drains prayer. To easily beat Mother, use ranged with Protect from Missiles and run away from him around the arena so he does not hit you with his melee attack. You can also use melee and not run away, but then you will have your prayer drained and you will be stunned.

A New Leader

Items required: Bucket

After killing Mother, Snowflake will call all the trolls of Weiss and declare herself as the new leader of Weiss, with all of them in agreement, stating she is much nicer than Mother. She will then ask you to perform the wedding ceremony for her and My Arm; they will say their vows, and you will pronounce them as husband and wife. They will then perform the ancient dance of love.

After the ceremony, Snowflake will ask you to fetch some goat dung for her. Goat dung can be found in the north-east building. You will need a bucket to pick up the dung; you should still have it from the fight against Mother. If not, simply pick up another bucket next to the large barrel of water.

Return to Snowflake, who will make two herb patches just west; one to grow goutweed, and one for you. She will then give you Odd Mushroom's notes, which contains the information required to light braziers. Read it, and speak to her once more.

Congratulations, quest complete!

Optional post-quest reward - Players can return to Burntmeat and Wolfbone to inform them of the situation in Weiss, and to give Burntmeat the notes. As Burntmeat has felt that you dislike his burnt meat, he will have Wolfbone reward you instead. Humorously, Wolfbone gives you burnt meat as a reward, while Burntmeat eats the notes you gave him, much to your annoyance. (The notes can be reobtained by talking to Snowflake if desired.)


Required for completing

Completion of Making Friends with My Arm is required for the following:


This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.

Music unlocked

Name Unlock details Music track
Barren Land Unlocked outside Weiss File:Barren Land.ogg
Troll Shuffle Unlocked when attempting to sneak around Weiss File:Troll Shuffle.ogg
Lumbering Unlocked when properly entering Weiss File:Lumbering.ogg
Mother Ruckus Unlocked during the fight with Mother File:Mother Ruckus.ogg
Snowflake & My Arm Unlocked during Snowflake and My Arm's wedding ceremony File:Snowflake & My Arm.ogg


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:30 November 2022| |0}} {{#explode:30 November 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:30 November 2022| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The following skill experience rewards have increased:

Pre-release gallery


  • The title of the quest is an innuendo.[1]
  • When you travel Larry's boat with My Arm, he references "Are we there yet?" multiple times, you're obviously not happy that My Arm asks multiple times. This is in reference to similar conversations in the previous quest.
  • The Wise Old Man's coffin examine text is: Don't alch him.. Attempting to alchemise the coffin, a dialogue message shows up with: You sense the Wise Old Man's disapproval.
  • While speaking to the Apothecary, and having the required cadava berry before he asks you for it, he will tell you "That's very clever. I hope you've got a real feeling of pride and satisfaction from that." This is a reference to controversy and backlash that arose from game developer Electronic Arts implementing a micro-transaction system within the video game Star Wars Battlefront II.
  • After Odd Mushroom's death, Snowflake expresses how she knows what to do, and that she must overthrow Mother. The various characters in the dungeon saying "You have my support" and My Arm follows with "And My Arm". This is a reference to the movie adaption of The Fellowship of the Ring, where Gimli offers his assistance to the fellowship by saying "And my axe".
  • After killing Don't Know What, Squirrel runs to Mother, declaring "OLD MAN IN THE DUNGEON!" which is a reference to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when a troll is released in the school and Professor Quirrell (notice the name similarity) bursts into the Great Hall yelling, "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!"
  • When Mother is justifying himself to Butterfly and Odd Stone about wanting to kill Snowflake, he says "We are trolls, not softy liberals like Snowflake". This is a pun about the state of politics in the United States.
  • The ancient dance of love My Arm and Snowflake perform is a reference to how two players circle around one another when they follow each other.
  • Although Mother uncovers the deception after the Wise Old Man passes gas, in real life it is not unusual for a fresh corpse to pass gas.
  • Using a bucket of goat dung on Goat Poo after the wedding, makes him say, "Look, human, it were one time. Just once. Let a troll move on, okay?"


  1. ^ Shauny. "In the Games Industry - An interview with Mod Ash!" (in 01:41:00). YouTube video. 20 February 2020.