Money making guide/Collecting blue dragon scales

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Collecting blue dragon scales
Agility 70 recommended
Magic 37 recommended
Dusty key (for players without level 70 Agility)
ProfitExperience gained
−77,422, after taxMagic 1,440
Inputs (90,383)Outputs (12,960, after tax)
30 × Law rune (3,810)60 × Lobster (9,480)7.5 × File:Stamina potion(4).png Stamina potion(4) (77,093)810 × Blue dragon scale (12,960)
Getting there and returning.

Blue dragon scales spawn in Taverley Dungeon, and they are currently worth 16 coins each. Players can expect to collect about 550 scales per hour. 70 Agility is also recommended to avoid having to traverse Taverley Dungeon, which would require a dusty key.

As indicated on the map, follow the sky-blue route to the dungeon entrance. Enter the obstacle pipe if you have 70 Agility, or otherwise, go the long way around (see map above for details), but this is tedious and will only result in around 375 scales per hour. Start collecting the dragon scales, being careful not to attack any blue dragons by accident. When your inventory is full, teleport to Falador, bank the scales, and repeat.

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