Money making guide/Killing Phantom Muspah (Twisted bow)
Lua error in ...ribunto/includes/Engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mwInit.lua at line 23: bad argument #1 to 'old_ipairs' (table expected, got nil). The listed profit rate assumes kills per hour, but up to 25 is possible with maxed stats and gear. Even higher kills per hour can be achieved by using magic during the melee phases. Your expected profit will vary depending on your kills per hour and luck on venator shard drops.
For overall boss strategy, please see the strategy page for Phantom Muspah.
File:Phantom Muspah - stepback method.mp4 Before the fight starts, stand near the cave entrance and wait for the boss to spawn. Pray accordingly to which style the boss is currently using. Remember to summon thralls when your current one runs out of time. If using the melee step-back method, stand approximately 4 tiles east of the muspah's respawn point.
Run back and kite the boss if it is using melee to prevent it from attacking you. If you're able to, you can avoid its melee attack entirely by use of the stepback method, which involves moving away from the boss one tick before its attack animation starts, as seen in the demonstration to the right. If the Muspah is moving while performing its melee attack and the player has Protect from Melee activated, it should always hit a 0.
Your accuracy will be lower during the melee phases so you may want to sip a dose of stamina potion if your run energy runs low. A ring of endurance's passive effect will lower the rate at which your run energy drains and doubles the duration of stamina potion doses. However, there will be some kills where your special attack energy hasn't recharged enough to use the zaryte crossbow's special attack on the boss during the prayer shield phase if you don't wear a lightbearer.
Due to Muspah's fairly high defence and resistance to melee, a Dragon warhammer or Elder maul special attack isn't very reliable at lowering the boss' defence. Under the assumption that the player is using either a Zaryte crossbow or Armadyl crossbow during the prayer shield phase, the player's special attack energy is more reliably used with either of those crossbows' special attacks for a greatly-increased chance of a sapphire bolt special effect. Alternatively, the player can use the Tonalztics of Ralos special attack when Muspah is in its ranged form for more reliable defence reduction.

When the boss starts teleporting around the arena, there is a square near the centre in the south-west corner where you can stand to avoid all of the shadow orbs fired as well as being able to keep attacking the boss without being dragged out.
During the prayer shield phase, cast Greater Corruption. This applies corruption to the boss which can help with removing its shield if you aren't comfortable with flicking Smite. Equip your crossbow and sapphire bolts (e) and proceed to attack the boss, using your special attack to proc the sapphire special effect and praying accordingly. Once the shield drops, re-equip your twisted bow and finish it off.
You should use roughly 4 doses of prayer/super restore potion per kill, 1 dose of range/bastion potion and 1-3 food depending on mistakes and chip damage taken. You might also use a dose of stamina every 2-3 kills. Depending on supply drops, you can stay for trips of 15-20 kills, with kills averaging 2:10 mins and the 30 second respawn timer, you should expect to get 20-25 kills per hour roughly.
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