Money making guide/Stealing Wydin's bananas

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Stealing from Wydin
White apron
Pirate's Treasure
ProfitExperience gained
49,800, after tax None
InputsOutputs (49,800, after tax)
600 × Banana (49,800)

Equip a white apron and enter the back room of Wydin's Food Store.

  1. Search the crate with a banana on top (this banana can be pilfered as well).
  2. Wait 4 game ticks for the dialogue menu
  3. Press 1 to take the banana and click the crate to search it again.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 until your inventory is full, then walk to the deposit box near the monks of Entrana and deposit the bananas.

Sell the bananas on the Grand Exchange for profit.

Check the live price and daily volume of items on the Grand Exchange before making large investments in any method.
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