PvP world

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PvP worlds (also known as Player-versus-Player worlds) are a type of themed servers that allow players to engage in combat almost everywhere. On these worlds, players may attack each other within all locations outside of safe zones, which include banks and respawn areas.


PvP worlds employ the following additional mechanics:

  • Players may engage in combat with other players on the majority of the world map. The maximum difference between players that can attack each other is 15 combat levels, which is further increased by the wilderness depth level within the wilderness.
  • Similarly to the wilderness, attacking other players assigns the skull status.
  • Safe zones are added around the majority of the banks, as well as respawn points and locations such as the Grand Exchange or Ferox Enclave. Players may not initiate combat within safe areas, but they might still continue fighting for a short period of time after entering a safe zone as long as they have retaliated at least once.
  • Bank chests and armour stands are added near the respawn points such as Lumbridge, Edgeville and Falador. Respawn points are within safe zones.
  • The so-called PJ timer, or the time before a player can be attacked by another opponent after engaging in player-versus-player combat, is increased. This makes it impossible to attack players immediately after they score a kill in single-way combat areas.
  • After attacking a player in a single-way combat area, both players are locked in combat with each other, and their fight cannot be interrupted by other players. However, if a player is attacking, but has not been attacked themself recently, they can change the target to lock with another opponent.
  • Players cannot teleport immediately after using a special attack. This is done to prevent players from using their special attack on a player and immediately teleporting away without consequence. Players are also prevented from teleporting while their special attack bar is activated on these worlds.
  • Each player has a separate player-versus-player kills and deaths counter within these worlds.
  • New free-to-play players need to log over 20 hours of game time, earn 10 quest points, and reach 100 total level to enter the PvP worlds.
  • Players are warned before logging into or switching to a PvP world.

High-risk worlds

The warning received when selecting a High Risk world from the login screen.

Extra mechanics on high-risk worlds include:

  • All items are lost upon death in PvP. Upon killing any opponent, the player will always get the items that they were wearing and carrying, unless the item is untradeable, in which case it will usually turn into coins according to its value.
  • The Protect Item prayer cannot be used.
  • A warning is shown on attempting to login to a high-risk server from the login screen. If using the World Switcher instead, a confirmation dialogue will appear. Upon logging into a PvP world, a second notification in the form of a message in red will appear in the chatbox informing the players that others may attack them.

Note that currently there are no free-to-play high-risk worlds.


Brand-new players cannot log into PvP worlds. Restrictions on new accounts can be removed either by buying membership, or logging over 20 hours of game time, earning 10 quest points, and reaching a total level of 100.

Benefits and risks

PvP worlds are commonly used by players willing to participate in player-versus-player combat, both individually as well as in clans. Locations that are easy to get to such as Lumbridge or Varrock are common hotspots for player-versus-player engagements. Thanks to additional banks near the respawn spots, armour stands allowing to repair damaged items and increased PJ timer, these worlds are more convenient in general for dangerous player-versus-player activities than themed wilderness worlds which offer no extra mechanics.

Players used to dueling in low level wilderness on regular worlds should be aware that the attackable combat level range on PvP worlds is higher and equivalent to 15 level of the wilderness. Such high combat level brackets can lead to some unfair fights, especially on low combat levels where the difference in damage output can be overwhelming.

Bank chests

Other players might benefit from the additional banks in various respawn areas, which speed up some banking when performing skilling or PvM activities. Common training locations also tend to be less crowded on these worlds due to the risk associated with being attacked by other players. In general players should avoid using expensive items outside of the safe zones due to the risk of losing them in a PvP death.


Normally some PvP worlds are affected by the PvP world rotation, changing when they are available in one week intervals. This is to reduce the number of worlds to make each more active, while changing locations to provide fairer lag to players across the world.

Note: The rotation displayed may not update immediately following game updates. Click here to clear the cache and force an update.

Rotation A

This rotation is currently inactive.

  • 318 – Bounty Hunter world
  • 390 – LMS Competitive
    • This world is online at all times, but it can only be used to play LMS competitive during rotation A
  • 539 — PvP World
  • 548 — PvP World - High Risk
  • 559 — LMS Competitive
  • 569 — Bounty Hunter World
    • This world is online at all times, but it can only be used to play Bounty Hunter during rotation A
  • 577 — PvP World - Free

Rotation B

This rotation is currently active and will change to A in 5 days.

  • 319 — Bounty Hunter World
  • 560 — PvP World
  • 561 — PvP World - Free
  • 579 — PvP World - High Risk
  • 580 — LMS Competitive


This section lists locations commonly used for player-versus-player combat.

Free-to-play worlds

Low level PvP scene is rather small in free-to-play due to restrictions on new accounts that prevent them from entering these worlds. As a rule of thumb, PvP worlds are popular among players with at least 50 combat.

Common free-to-play PvP spots
Location Type Activity Transportation Comment
Grand Exchange 1-vs-1 Low Varrock Teleport, Chronicle The area around the Grand Exchange, as well as some spots throughout Varrock such as the city centre and west bank are common PvP hotspots. Mains usually fight east of the Grand Exchange and north of the west bank, while other areas are common among 1 defence pures and rune pures.
Lumbridge 1-vs-1 High Lumbridge Teleport, Home Teleport, Respawn Due to ease of access, the area in front of the castle is popular among lower level accounts and raggers, with a notable exception of the church where fights between high level players often take place.
Falador Multi Medium Falador Teleport The most common multicombat area within the PvP worlds.
Edgeville 1-vs-1 Low Canoe, Respawn Although not as popular as within the 308 wilderness world, it is notable for the respawn point.

Members worlds

Members are not restricted from entering PvP worlds.

Common PvP spots
Location Popularity Comment
Grand Exchange High Extremely varied. Pure, dharok, zerker, void, rushers, as well as mains.
Lumbridge High Varied. Pure, zerker, void and mains.
Edgeville Moderate Common spot for no honour PKing, both pure and main, as well as

main hybridding.

Rimmington house portal Moderate Varied. Pure, Dharok's and a lot of rushers.
Camelot Moderate Pure, Dharok's, Risk Fighting and occasional Hybrid Fights.
Castle Wars lobby Low Common spot for no honour pking, both pure and main, as well as

main hybridding.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:7 June 2023| |0}} {{#explode:7 June 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 June 2023| |2}}]]

The Fossil Island Museum Camp bank chest tent is now a safe area on PvP worlds.

[[{{#explode:11 April 2022| |0}} {{#explode:11 April 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:11 April 2022| |2}}]]

The PvP world rotation was turned off for world deployment system maintenance. All PvP worlds are available simultaneously.

[[{{#explode:9 December 2021| |0}} {{#explode:9 December 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:9 December 2021| |2}}]]

To combat luring, the following areas are now safe on PvP worlds:

  • Ape Atoll Bank area
  • Barbarian Outpost
  • Blast Mine Bank Chests
  • Duel Arena entrance
  • Fossil Island - North Island Bank
  • Soul Wars Lobby
  • The Kourend Castle building (all floors)
  • Volcanic Mine Bank area
  • Xeric's Glade - Grape Vines
[[{{#explode:19 May 2021| |0}} {{#explode:19 May 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:19 May 2021| |2}}]]

Worlds are no longer changing from PvP activity worlds to regular worlds and back. Instead, the regular worlds are available full time, while the worlds that are for PvP or LMS are be turned on and off depending on the weekly rotation. The casual LMS worlds are no longer in the rotation.

[[{{#explode:7 April 2021| |0}} {{#explode:7 April 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 April 2021| |2}}]]

Biweekly intervals of the PvP worlds rotation were changed to weekly intervals.

[[{{#explode:2 April 2020| |0}} {{#explode:2 April 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 April 2020| |2}}]]

New free-to-play players cannot enter PvP worlds without logging over 20 hours of game time, earning 10 quest points, and reaching a total level of 100.

[[{{#explode:30 January 2020| |0}} {{#explode:30 January 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:30 January 2020| |2}}]]

The range of combat levels for permitting combat was reverted from 10 to 15.

[[{{#explode:29 January 2020| |0}} {{#explode:29 January 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:29 January 2020| |2}}]]
  • The PJ timer was extended from 10 seconds to 15 seconds in single-way combat.
  • The range of combat levels for permitting combat was reduced from 15 to 10.

See also