Player identification number

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A player identification number (often referred to as PID) is a unique identification number for player. Upon logging in, a PID is assigned which will randomise every 100 to 150 game ticks, 60 to 90 seconds, for each player. On Bounty Hunter, PvP, and tournament worlds, PID randomises every 40 to 60 game ticks, 24 to 36 seconds, per player.

The engine uses this to deal with two players doing something at the same time, the lower PID will have priority in processing the action. This could be dealing damage to a monster, dealing damage to a player, picking up an item, almost any action. This is done to make combat and many other aspects of the game more consistent.

Examples of PID prioritisation

The following list contains examples of when PID becomes a factor in determining which player has the higher and lower priority:

  • Determines which player will deal the first hit of damage on a particular monster, getting the monster if in single-way combat, when both players simultaneously attack the same monster.
  • Determines which player gets skulled or hits first when both players simultaneously attack each other at the beginning of PvP combat.
  • Determines if a player can walk through a doorway while another player closes it at the same time.
  • Affects which player gets an item if two or more players pick it up at the same time.

Other orders of priority

Not all in-game events are regulated through PID prioritisation, as there are other systems besides PID that determine the order in which certain actions are processed. NPCs are also accorded an internal identification number, which allows the game to decide which aggressive monster gets to attack a player in a single-way combat zone, for example.[1] Similarly, this system may determine which NPC will be hit by an ice barrage when more than 9 are caught in the area-of-effect.[2] There is also an internal ID accorded to players used by the game client to determine who to render when multiple people are standing on the same tile.[3]


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:9 August 2018| |0}} {{#explode:9 August 2018| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:9 August 2018| |2}}]]

On Bounty Hunter, PvP, and tournament worlds, PID will randomise every 40 to 60 game ticks (24 to 36 seconds) per player rather than the previous 100 to 150 game ticks (60 to 90 seconds) per player.

[[{{#explode:14 April 2016| |0}} {{#explode:14 April 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 April 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)
  • Priority is now only randomised once every 100 - 150 game ticks (60 - 90 seconds), no longer every game tick.
  • Within the duel arena, the relative priority of players who are fighting each other will not change throughout the duration of a duel.
[[{{#explode:29 August 2013| |0}} {{#explode:29 August 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:29 August 2013| |2}}]]

The game engine no longer prioritises players' actions based on the IP address from which they are logged in.


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