Tlati Rainforest

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A small part of the Tlati Rainforest can be found across the River Varla.

The Tlati Rainforest is a region in Varlamore, historically inhabited by the Talkasti people after they migrated from Kourend. [1] Their first major settlment in the area was Tal Teklan.[2]

This area is not yet accessible in-game, though parts of it are found across the River Varla.


  1. ^ Curator Herminius. Old School RuneScape. "There were three notable groups of these refugees. The first group, the Talkasti, settled in the Tlati Rainforest."
  2. ^ Curator Herminius. Old School RuneScape. "While they initially lived nomadic lives, they eventually started to establish more permanent settlements, with Tal Teklan being the first."