Clockwork suit

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Clockwork suit
Released29 January 2007 (Update)
Quest itemCold War
EquipableYes; with the help of Larry
OptionsWind, Destroy
DestroyYou'll have to make another one at your house. Speak to Larry to learn how to make one.
ExamineA clockwork penguin suit.
Value1 coin
High alch0 coins
Low alch0 coins
Weight2 kg
Advanced data
Item ID10595

The clockwork suit (or Penguin suit) is made during and after the Cold War quest.

It is made on a Crafting table 3 in the workshop of a player-owned house with a clockwork, a plank, and silk, by selecting the Clockwork toy option, followed by Clockwork penguin.

With the suit, the player can become a penguin by talking to Larry while at the iceberg (or by using Larry's "Tuxedo-time" right-click option). Larry can be found at the Ardougne Zoo, the pier south of the Rellekka Hunter area near fairy ring DKS, the penguin iceberg, and the Lumbridge sheep farm. Note that in order to wear the suit, players must not have anything in the hand, weapons, and cape slots.

Wearing the suit opens up a possibility of performing 8 unique penguin emotes. The suit is required in order to access the Penguin agility course on the Penguin Outpost.

The Clockwork Suit can be wound and released, like the toy mouse can. You can then catch it for 3 Agility experience. Players will not be able to retrieve the suit if they release the suit first and then teleport away from it.

The suit is also required for a master clue cryptic step.

For now, this device can only be worn with the assistance of Larry.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerCape slot table

Agility info

Clockwork suit
Level requiredAgility 1
Agility XP3 xp
TypeClockwork toy


Crafting Crafting30 (b)15
Quest points Partial completion of Cold war
Ticks3 (1.8s)[r 1]
ToolsNoneFacilities Crafting table 3
Total cost1,410
Clockwork suit1N/A
  1. ^ 4 ticks if the player is not already seated


  • Although you cannot normally equip weapon slot items while wearing the clockwork suit, other players can pass you the gnomeball, causing it to become equipped. The gnomeball cannot be re-equipped if unequipped while wearing the suit, but it can be passed back.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:31 October 2019| |0}} {{#explode:31 October 2019| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:31 October 2019| |2}}]]

The Agility experience gained for picking up the clockwork suit has been reduced from 12.5 to 3.