Twilight's Promise

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Twilight's Promise (#161)
Released 20 March 2024 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series Twilight Emissaries, #2
Lead developer(s) Unknown (edit)

Twilight's Promise is a short quest set in the Civitas illa Fortis in eastern Varlamore, designed to introduce players to the kingdom and its features.


Start pointMap icon Speak to Ennius Tullus or Furia Tullus in front of the Sunrise Palace. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3143" x="1686" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[1686.5,3141.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 1686,3141

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyIntermediate
Official lengthShort
DescriptionTake your first steps into Varlamore and unlock the Quetzal Transport System.
Items required
  • Items for two different combat classes or a poisoned weapon (be warned that the poison method is much slower). Also note that autocasting magic on the Knight of Varlamore with a staff is not possible due to a bug, though manually casting does work.
Enemies to defeat


With friends like these...

Speak to Ennius or Furia Tullus at the entrance to the Sunrise Palace in Civitas illa Fortis. You will be instructed to visit the temple in the city, as Prince Itzla is expecting you. The temple is found just south-east of the bazaar, marked on the world map with two dungeon icons.

At the temple, you will find Metzli, Teokan of Ranul, who will tell you that you saved the life of her counterpart, Servius. Tell her you're meant to be meeting the prince, and Metzli will tell you he is talking to Servius in the crypt under the temple. Take the stairs down to proceed.

After entering the crypt, head north through the gate and speak to the prince in the centre of the open area. He will re-introduce you to Servius, Teokan of Ralos, revealing him to be his father, and will remind you that someone is plotting to kill Servius. He will then explain that, given the strict policies on travelling outside the kingdom before the signing of the treaty in Varrock, the culprit can only be a member of the delegation that visited. Prince Itzla therefore suspects that one of the Knights of Varlamore who travelled with Servius is responsible, and suggests speaking with the Tullus twins once more.

Oh Brother!

Return to the Tullus twins at the Sunrise Palace, who are now found further inside the palace grounds. They will mention six knights and give you their locations, as well as a Varlamore crest to prove you are helping them. You must now find and collect the knights, who will all be known as "Knight(s) of Varlamore". They do not have to be returned to the palace in any particular order.

Arrun and Claudia

The correct citizen to steal the stolen amulet from.

Arrun and Claudia can be found in the center of the bazaar. They will agree to return to the palace after finishing their work of catching a thief, for whom they planted an amulet at one of the stalls, hoping it would be stolen. They will encourage you to rummage through the pockets of bazaar-goers until you find the thief that took the bait.

Pickpocket the citizen in the second-to-lightest shade of blue robes (he will be the only one with robes of that colour) to find the stolen amulet. Return it to the knights, and at which point they will agree to return to the palace.


The crate full of weapons.

Nel can be found in the Southwestern part of the Fortis Cothon, on the docks. To help her return to the palace quicker, she will ask for assistance in finding a crate full of weapons. Complete the dialogue until Nel mentions where to find the crate, and then head to the north-east corner of the cothon.

The crate you will need to search is directly adjacent to two barrels with fish in them, close to a bench. Search the crate to learn the name of the smuggling ship, the Fortis Spark, and return to Nel. Inform her of your findings and she will agree to return to the palace.


Items needed: Combat equipment for two different styles, or a poisoned weapon

Upon entering the Colosseum, head north to the training area and talk to Mezan. He will mention that his training partner has not shown up, and will only leave if you spar with him in the partner's place. The fight will require any two combat styles, as he will start praying against the one currently being used every four attacks. Note that due to a bug, it is not possible to autocast magic on him with a staff, although manually casting does work. If no attack style is used 4 times in a row (for instance, attack 3 times with melee then once with range and repeat) then he will never use protection prayers. It is also possible to use a poisoned weapon to finish Mezan off, as this can be reapplied through his prayers. Once the fight is over, Mezan will leave for the palace. If the player dies at the same time as the knight then the knight will still return to the castle when spoken to.

Note: The Voidwaker special attack counts as a non-melee based attack.

Note: skillers and other limited account builds can use poison dynamite to poison Mezan and run in circles until he dies. Players can also use dynamite for true damage dealt on him, and then recoil him down to 0. Mezan's max hit is 8, meaning that players doing this method will need to be prepared with a substantial amount of food such as Saradomin brews.

Velam and Azali

The player instructs Azali to dunk her head in the fountain in order to sober up.

Velam and Azali can be found at Atlazora's Rest, just north of the Outer Fortis General Store. Azali will need to sober up, so lead her to the fountain east of the bar to trigger a short cutscene. Once in a while, Azali will stop following you; simply talk to her again and then head towards the fountain once more. Return to the bar and speak to Velam, and then head to the palace after finishing the conversation. If you have a pet or follower active, Azali will not follow you.


Ennius kills Velam, who pleaded his innocence until the very end.

Once all knights have returned to the palace, speak to the twins again to learn that the knights stayed in the Kualti Headquarters prior to visiting Varrock, just west of the palace. Head to the headquarters and go up both flights of stairs to reach their bedrooms.

Investigate one of the chests in the south-eastern room to find an incriminating letter (the letter has an equal chance of being in either chest), and then read it and return to the twins once more. Speaking to the twins will trigger a cutscene in which Velam, claiming innocence, will be killed by Ennius. The twins will now tell you to deliver the news to the prince at the Teomat. Note: reading the letter is required to start the cutscene.

The Twilight Emissaries

Speak to Regulus Cento outside the palace next to the quetzals and ask about getting to the Teomat. Regulus will tell you that Prince Itzla has given you a personal quetzal to fly around Varlamore, and gives you some quetzal feed for Renu, who is newly trained and ready. Feed Renu the quetzal feed, and an interface for the Quetzal Transport System will open. Travel to the Teomat (it will be a small option on the menu, found just north of the Cam Torum location). Note that from here on out, you can access the already-unlocked quetzal locations at any time; you do not need to finish the quest.

Head inside the Teomat and speak to Prince Itzla in the room with the altar icon, and let him know about Velam's betrayal. He will be surprised, and when you tell him that you believe that Velam's murder is too convenient and that Ennius had killed him too quickly, he will agree to keep an eye on the twins. He will then share to you about the Twilight Emissaries, a religious cult obsessed with the end of the world - the Final Dawn.

To learn about the Final Dawn, head slightly north to the library and speak with Metzli. She will mention Ximoua, a belief passed down from the Old Ones, and say that the Final Dawn being an interpretation of it; the difference in belief however is not that the end of the world will come, but rather that it must be made. As you're finishing up the conversation, you will be attacked by eight level 34 cultists, whom you must defeat. Note that only one will attack you; the rest will only attack after being attacked first. If necessary, you may let the guards finish them off.

Once you defeat all eight cultists, a cutscene will play showing that Servius has been gravely wounded, even though none of the cultists made it inside. Notably, Metzli has disappeared, but Servius is quickly brought back to the capital. Prince Itzla will then tell you that he will contact you again once he has planned the next steps.

Congratulations, quest complete!


Required for completing

The completion of Twilight's Promise is a requirement to complete the following:


This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.