
From Illerai

This is the current revision of this page, as edited by imported>Teemupets at 15:50, 18 July 2022 (A note on how to "hide" from Shifters. They seem to be unable to teleport through solid objects, so hiding behind a ladder or gate door makes them unable to get to you.). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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Level 38Level 57Level 76Level 90Level 104
Released18 April 2006 (Update)
Combat level38
ExamineNippy little thing!
Combat info
Max hit5
Attack styleStab
Attack speed4 ticks (2.4 seconds)
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+0No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
CannonsNot immune
ThrallsNot immune
Advanced data
Monster ID1694,1695

Shifters are creatures in the Pest Control minigame that excel in melee combat and can teleport across the island and even pass through walls. For this reason, they are very dangerous for those on defence since they can teleport right next to the Void Knight and attack them. They appear to have the bottom half of a spider with the scythes of a praying mantis (similar to the Abyssal demon). Their colouring varies, depending on their combat levels. Although it has the ability to teleport other monsters, such as Ravagers and Torchers (even up on to towers), they can only teleport others a very short distance. Unlike other pests, shifters are immune to the effects of poison.

For some reason, shifters are some of the few monsters that can attack at a diagonal. Other than ranged monsters, most single squared beasts will align with the player to attack. They also seem to hit the knight from a distance while teleporting around them.

Due to their ability to teleport, trying to outrun their pursuit can be extremely difficult. However, it is possible to "hide" from them by climbing up a ladder or closing a gate on them.

Level table

Level Hit points Max hit Colour Novice Intermediate Veteran
38 23 5 Red Yes No No
57 38 6 Green Yes Yes No
76 53 8 Black No Yes No
90 68 8 Yellow No Yes Yes
104 83 9 Silver No No Yes