Slang dictionary/R
Abbreviation | Meaning |
(r) | Recoil |
R2H | Rune 2h sword |
Rags, Ragging, Raggers | Term often used in PKing for someone with inferior or cheap gear, sometimes synonymous with griefing. |
Raids 1, Raids 2, Raids 3 | Chambers of Xeric, Theatre of Blood and Tombs of Amascut, respectively |
Rambo, Rambo spec, Rambo special | Term often used in pking for a high-hitting special attack, or a combination of regular hits that surprises the opponent. A word derived from John Rambo, a muscular hard lined character from the movie, First Blood. |
Range tank | A player who focuses mainly on Ranged and Defence. |
Rangers, Rngrs | Ranger boots, Tok-Xil, Jal-Xil |
Rapier, Rap | Ghrazi rapier |
RC(ing) | Runecraft |
RCB | Rune crossbow |
RC Pker | A runecrafter player killer. Someone who kills runecrafters on their way to the Abyss runecraft area. |
RD, R drag | Rune dragons |
RDT | Rare drop table |
Rebuild | To liquidate one's bank in order to buy a strong, versatile weapon (such as the bow of Faerdhinen) which can make the money back. |
Recoil | Ring of recoil |
Red barred | Term used to describe a player/NPC with so little Hitpoints that its health bar is almost completely red. For much of RuneScape 2, entities with large amounts of hit points could display a solid red health bar when they only had a few hit points. This was what lead to the phrase being coined. |
Red helm | A Hardcore Ironman or Group Ironman. |
Req(s) | Requirement(s) |
Rev(s) | Revenants |
Rex | Dagannoth Rex |
RFD | Recipe for Disaster |
RFH | Rune full helm |
Rig, Rigo | Rigour |
Rim, Rimmy | Rimmington |
RL | RuneLite |
RMH, Rmed | Rune med helm |
RNG | Random number generator |
Robin | Robin Hood hat |
RoL | Ring of life |
RoS | Ring of suffering |
RotG | Ring of the gods |
RoW | Ring of wealth |
RPB | Rune Platebody |
RS | RuneScape |
RS2 | RuneScape 2 |
RS3 | The current main branch of RuneScape, RuneScape 3. |
RSC, RS1 | RuneScape Classic |
RSHD | RuneScape HD, the era of RuneScape from mid 2008 to 2013; sometimes erroneously used to refer to the 117 HD RuneLite plugin or HDOS. |
RSN | RuneScape character name |
RSOF | RuneScape Official Forums |
Runner | One who delivers items (typically for training processing skills, for example bones or pure essence) to a player, often for a fee. |
Rush, Rusher | A PKing tactic, in which a player is attacked directly after finishing a fight by someone using a high-powered spec weapon (eg. Dragon claws, Armadyl godsword). See rushing. |
RWH | Rune warhammer |
RWT | Real world trading |