Slang dictionary/R

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Abbreviation Meaning
(r) Recoil
R2H Rune 2h sword
Rags, Ragging, Raggers Term often used in PKing for someone with inferior or cheap gear, sometimes synonymous with griefing.
Raids 1, Raids 2, Raids 3 Chambers of Xeric, Theatre of Blood and Tombs of Amascut, respectively
Rambo, Rambo spec, Rambo special Term often used in pking for a high-hitting special attack, or a combination of regular hits that surprises the opponent. A word derived from John Rambo, a muscular hard lined character from the movie, First Blood.
Range tank A player who focuses mainly on Ranged and Defence.
Rangers, Rngrs Ranger boots, Tok-Xil, Jal-Xil
Rapier, Rap Ghrazi rapier
RC(ing) Runecraft
RCB Rune crossbow
RC Pker A runecrafter player killer. Someone who kills runecrafters on their way to the Abyss runecraft area.
RD, R drag Rune dragons
RDT Rare drop table
Rebuild To liquidate one's bank in order to buy a strong, versatile weapon (such as the bow of Faerdhinen) which can make the money back.
Recoil Ring of recoil
Red barred Term used to describe a player/NPC with so little Hitpoints that its health bar is almost completely red. For much of RuneScape 2, entities with large amounts of hit points could display a solid red health bar when they only had a few hit points. This was what lead to the phrase being coined.
Red helm A Hardcore Ironman or Group Ironman.
Req(s) Requirement(s)
Rev(s) Revenants
Rex Dagannoth Rex
RFD Recipe for Disaster
RFH Rune full helm
Rig, Rigo Rigour
Rim, Rimmy Rimmington
RL RuneLite
RMH, Rmed Rune med helm
RNG Random number generator
Robin Robin Hood hat
RoL Ring of life
RoS Ring of suffering
RotG Ring of the gods
RoW Ring of wealth
RPB Rune Platebody
RS RuneScape
RS2 RuneScape 2
RS3 The current main branch of RuneScape, RuneScape 3.
RSC, RS1 RuneScape Classic
RSHD RuneScape HD, the era of RuneScape from mid 2008 to 2013; sometimes erroneously used to refer to the 117 HD RuneLite plugin or HDOS.
RSN RuneScape character name
RSOF RuneScape Official Forums
Runner One who delivers items (typically for training processing skills, for example bones or pure essence) to a player, often for a fee.
Rush, Rusher A PKing tactic, in which a player is attacked directly after finishing a fight by someone using a high-powered spec weapon (eg. Dragon claws, Armadyl godsword). See rushing.
RWH Rune warhammer
RWT Real world trading