Secrets of the North/Quick guide
Start point | ![]() X/Y: 2570,3276 ","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink> |
Official difficulty | Master |
Official length | Medium |
Description | Our story begins - as all good murder mysteries do - with a mysterious murder, and there's no shortage of suspects - in fact, you're one of them! Be prepared to form an uneasy alliance, dig up secrets best left buried deep, and walk away with more questions than answers... |
Requirements |
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Enemies to defeat |
League notes | Unlocking |
Note: Steps may differ slightly, depending on which side the player chose in Hazeel Cult.
A Death in the Family
- Make your way to the Carnillean Mansion and speak to the guard.
- Climb up the stairs and speak to the guard again.
- Inspect Ceril's corpse and the broken window.
- Knock on the false wall, then climb up the ladder and inspect the chest in the hidden room up the ladder.
- Speak to the guard again.
On the Trail
Items needed: 100 coins, Combat equipment to defeat Evelot (level 148)
- Head to the Fight Arena Bar, and speak to the Khazard Barman.
- Track down Evelot by inspecting the following during each track revealed:
- Barrels just outside the bar entrance
- Northwest boulder
- North bush
- Tree stump
- Another boulder
- East bush
- Approach Evelot to begin the fight. Every few attacks, she will use a special attack that disables protection prayers and drains your prayer.
- Finish the conversation with Evelot after defeating her.
The Mysterious Benefactor
- Head to the Hazeel Cult's hideout by way of the entrance to the Ardougne Sewers slightly east of the Clock Tower. Board the raft.
- If the raft will not move, make sure all sewer valves outside the cave are in the correct position. See the Hazeel Cult guide for details.
- Talk to Alomone (if you sided with Hazeel) or Clivet if you didn't .
- Talk to Hazeel.
- Return to Carnillean Mansion and talk to the guard.
- Climb down the ladder inside the house and talk to Claus the Chef.
- Search the south-western cooking shelves and press the button.
- Inspect the wall next to the noticeboard and enter the passage.
- Pick the lock on the chest by moving the pins along to specific positions. They will appear blue if the number is correct but in the wrong position, and green if that pin is at the correct position. The ordering does not change attempt to attempt.
- Inspect the dusty scroll.
- Bring the dusty scroll to Hazeel.
In the North
Items needed: Tinderbox (can be obtained shortly after required), combat equipment to defeat assassin (level 262)
Items recommended: Antipoison or better
Items recommended: Antipoison or better
- Head to the northern entrance of Weiss and speak to Big Fish.
- Head to the main building and speak to Snowflake. (Chat option 2 if you don't have the Weiss fire notes)
- Head to the northern entrance of Weiss and speak to Big Fish.
- Head down the stairs in the main building, and go through the southern cave entrance.
- After the cutscene, fight the assassin. He will attack with melee or ranged, whichever style the player is not praying protection against.
- The assassin will continually throw 1x1 tile smoke bombs around the room, which you then need to lure him inside to be able to deal damage.
- The assassin will also occasionally throw vials of poison, which can deal up to 30 poison damage and inflict poison starting at 6 damage.
- Talk to Hazeel located just southwest at the cave's entrance.
- Search the barrel south of the center room to find a lever handle.
- Enter the center room, using the code BLOOD to unlock the gate.
- Open the northern chest using code 7402 to obtain an icy chest.
- Light the braziers in the following order: NW, SE, NE, SW (a tinderbox can be found by searching the crate in the room)
- Open the western chest to find a jewel shard and a settlements note.
- Head to the northern room, pressing the LEFT - UP - LEFT - DOWN arrows in that order to unlock the gate.
- Use the handle on the lever mechanism, and pull it.
- Inspect the south-western pillar in the room where you fought the assassin for the other jewel shard.
- Use the jewel shards on one another, and use the ancient jewel on the icy chest.
- Open the gate south of the center room with the icy key.
Strange Creature
Items needed: combat equipment to defeat Strange Creature
- Resupply with ranged and magic gear for a fairly difficult boss fight.
- Enter the crevice to battle the Strange Creature. See here for details of the fight.
- After the cutscene, accept Hazeel's teleport.
- Return to the guard at the Carnillean Mansion.
- Congratulations, quest complete!

- 2
Quest points
60,000 Agility experience
50,000 Thieving experience
40,000 Hunter experience
- Ability to mine ancient essence crystals in the Ghorrock Dungeon
- Access to a stronger version of the Strange Creature, the Phantom Muspah
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