Money making guide/Pickpocketing master farmers

From Illerai

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Lua error in ...ribunto/includes/Engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mwInit.lua at line 23: bad argument #1 to 'old_ipairs' (table expected, got nil). IMPORTANT: The listed profit rate is calculated at Thieving 94 while wearing full Rogue equipment (requires Thieving 50 and Agility 50 ) with completion of the Ardougne Diary (hard) (requires Thieving 72 , boostable). Players with lower Thieving will not achieve this profit rate and should see the table below for their estimated profit.

IMPORTANT: This money making guide was created prior to the 24 March 2021 changes to Master Farmers. A Farming level of 85 is now needed to gain the rates described in this guide.

Pickpocketing master farmers can yield good amounts of seeds for Farming. The real money-makers are Ranarr seeds, Snapdragon seeds, and Snape grass seeds (worth 27,298, 41,659, and 7,566, respectively). These seeds are very rare (appearing every 1/302, 1/2083, and 1/260 pickpockets, respectively) but make up 94.1% of the profit.

If playing through a third-party game client, it's recommended to pickpocket Martin in Draynor due to being able to change the left click from talk to pickpocket by holding shift. Talking to him before pickpocketing will prevent him from moving. He will move if you walk outside of a small radius, and will not talk to you again until 20 minutes in-game have elapsed.

If on RuneLite, you can also talk to the master farmers outside of Varlamore to prevent them from moving. They are far from a bank but do not have a cooldown to talk to them.

If low on health, players can buy wines from Fortunato in Draynor Village, or steal some cake from the Baker's stall if pickpocketing in Ardougne. Otherwise, players will need to use conventional food to restore Hitpoints.

With Farming 85 a player can access the north wing of the Farming Guild wherein a Master Farmer can be trapped within the three-tile area on the west side of the Celastrus tree patch. Once the farmer walks to the furthest southern tile, a player only has to move one tile north every four minutes or so to allow the Master Farmer to move and reset its 5-minute respawn timer. Avoid stepping on the black rabbit or another player as this will cause the farmer to no longer be trapped by your character.

Profit varies enormously based on Thieving level, greatly improving after certain milestones. At Thieving 50 players can equip full Rogue equipment for guaranteed double loot, doubling profit. At Thieving 72 players can complete the Ardougne Diary (hard) for an additional 10% pickpocketing boost. It is not recommended to thieve Master farmers for profit at low levels as there are much better money making methods out there. Below are some experience and profit estimates at certain levels.

Level Success Rate Pickpockets/h Gold/h XP/h Bonuses Notes
38 57.5% 639 99,899 27,474 Thieving
50 64.7% 805 251,683 34,609 Thieving Players gain the ability to use Rogue equipment for guaranteed double loot.
60 70.7% 977 305,437 42,001 Thieving
70 76.7% 1191 372,555 51,231 Thieving
72 80.9% 1376 430,411 59,187 Thieving Players can boost to complete the Ardougne diary (hard) for the 10% improved pickpocketing success.
80 82.7% 1467 458,726 63,080 Thieving
80 87.5% 1751 547,533 75,293 Thieving
90 88.7% 1834 573,408 78,851 Thieving
90 94.1% 2286 714,737 98,285 Thieving
94+ 100% 3000 938,092 129,000 Thieving / Players stop failing entirely with the Ardougne diary (hard) bonus, or at level 99 with the Thieving cape.

If you have 85 or higher Farming, your loot is better, yielding about 53,340 extra gp/hour relative to 71 Farming.

Check the live price and daily volume of items on the Grand Exchange before making large investments in any method.
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