In Search of the Myreque/Quick guide

From Illerai

This is the current revision of this page, as edited by imported>PupOSRS at 05:22, 15 October 2023 (i can't get that questions to show up; i also don't see it in chisel; also there was a question that was just a reword of an existing question). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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Start pointMap icon Speak to Vanstrom Klause at the Hair of the Dog tavern in Canifis. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3479" x="3503" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3503.5,3477.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3503,3477

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyIntermediate
Official lengthShort
DescriptionCanifis is experiencing an upsurge in new faces and a new stranger has appeared with a job to track down some local heroes known only as "The Myreque". The Myreque are fighting a desperate battle against the darkness of Morytania and he wishes to take them weapons to aid in the battle. Can you help him out?
Items required
Enemies to defeat
League notes

Unlocking Morytania Morytania will auto-complete the quest


  • Talk to Vanstrom Klause in the Canifis pub (near the staircase). CKS (Chat 14)
  • Grab the 6 wooden planks, 10 coins, a hammer, all the steel weapons and nails, and fill your Druid Pouch if you haven't done so already before teleporting!
  • Travel to Mort'ton (Mort'ton teleport, Minigame teleport to Shades of Mort'ton, Barrows teleport, BIP with 50 Agility, BKR and get Swamp Boaty, or run from Canifis)
  • Talk to Cyreg Paddlehorn (east, by the boat). (Chat 22331)
  • Board the boat. (Be sure to have filled your Druid Pouch before attempting to board the boat!)
  • Go north and climb the tree rope bridge.
  • Repair the bridge.
  • Continue north and talk to Curpile Fyod. (Chat 1)
    • Check the spelling of your answers before choosing them.
Question Answer
Who is the only female in the Myreque? Sani Piliu
Who is the leader of the Myreque in Mort Myre? Veliaf Hurtz
What is the boatman's name? Cyreg Paddlehorn
What vampyre family rules over Morytania? Drakan
Who is the youngest member of the Myreque? Ivan Strom
Which member of the Myreque was originally a scholar? Polmafi Ferdygris
The safespot for killing the hellhound with magic attacks.
  • Go north and enter the wooden doors set into the hill.
  • Head north-west following the eastern wall to the north west until you find an alcove. Enter the cave entrance in the southern wall of this alcove.
  • Talk to Veliaf (no chat options needed).
  • Talk to everyone else (no chat options needed).
  • Talk to Veliaf (talk to him and give him your steel weapons).
  • Kill the level 97 Skeleton Hellhound (you can safespot the hellhound by luring it to the north-east side of the room, to the right of the north barrel or below the north-east bed shown in the picture on the right).
  • Talk to Veliaf, ask how to get out. (Chat 33)
  • Go back by entering the cave entrance and search the wall to the north.
  • Climb up the ladder in the north side of the room.
  • Talk to the Stranger in the Canifis pub (the one sitting in the chair where Vanstrom Klause was).
  • Congratulations, quest complete!



Required for completing

Completion of In Search of the Myreque is required for the following: