Treasure Trails/Guide/Anagrams/Medium

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An anagram is a string of letters, which can be rearranged into another word or phrase. For example: orchestra is an anagram of carthorse.

The solution of an anagram is always the name of an NPC. Once the solution is found, the player can get their next clue by talking to that NPC. Often, when talking to an NPC, the player will receive a challenge scroll, puzzle box or light box that they must solve before receiving the next clue.

The anagrams in clue scrolls do not correspond with the number of spaces in a name; an anagram with no spaces may have an answer with a name corresponding with one or more spaces.

Medium Anagrams

Anagram Solution Location Challenge answer
A BAKER Baraek Varrock Square (fur trader) 5
A BAS Saba Found in the cave on the path towards the Death Plateau west of Burthorpe. None
A BASIC ANTI POT Captain Tobias Port Sarim 6
AHA JAR Jaraah The hospital of the Emir's Arena. None
A HEART Aretha Soul Altar 2
ARC O LINE Caroline North Witchaven next to the row boat. After the Sea Slug quest, she is found wandering the coast. 11
AREA CHEF TREK Father Aereck Found in the church in Lumbridge.

Note: If players failed to save Jarvis during the 2017 Halloween event, the answer is '20' instead of '19'.

ARE COL Oracle The peak of Ice Mountain west of Edgeville. 48
ARMCHAIR THE PELT Charlie the Tramp Next to the south entrance of Varrock. 0
BAIL TRIMS Brimstail In the cave west of the Stronghold Slayer Cave entrance in the Tree Gnome Stronghold. None
CALAMARI MADE MUD Madame Caldarium Next to a spa in the Corsair Cove. 6
CLASH ION Nicholas Most north-eastern point of Port Piscarilius, north of the fishing shop. 4
DT RUN B Brundt the Chieftain Rellekka, inside the main hall. 4
EEK ZERO OP Zoo keeper Ardougne Zoo 40
EL OW Lowe Varrock archery store None
GOBLETS ODD TOES Otto Godblessed South of the Barbarian Outpost, in Otto's Grotto. 2
GOBLIN KERN King Bolren Tree Gnome Village, next to the Spirit Tree. None
GOT A BOY Gabooty Centre of Tai Bwo Wannai. 11
HALT US Luthas The owner of the banana plantation on Musa Point (Karamja). None
HEORIC Eohric Burthorpe Castle, top floor. 36
HICK JET Jethick Town square of West Ardougne. 38
HIS PHOR Horphis Arceuus Library 1
I AM SIR Marisi Marisi is a farmer found in the allotment patch located within Hosidius. 5
ICY FE Fycie Rantz's cave, south-east of Gu'Tanoth and far eastern portion of Feldip Hills (near the coast, north-east of gnome glider and AKS). None
I DOOM ICON INN Dominic Onion Nightmare Zone 9,500
I EVEN Nieve The Slayer master in Gnome Stronghold. 2
KAY SIR Sir Kay The courtyard in Camelot Castle. 6
LAME T Metla Stonecutter Outpost in the Avium Savannah. None
LARK IN DOG King Roald Ground floor of Varrock Palace. 24
LEAKEY Kaylee Rising Sun Inn in Falador. 18
LOW LAG Gallow Vinery in Hosidius. 12
ME IF Femi Just outside the gates of Tree Gnome Stronghold. None
NOD MED Edmond Behind the most north-western house in East Ardougne. 3
OK CO Cook Ground floor of Lumbridge Castle. 9
PACINNG A TAIE Captain Ginea East of the War Tent in the Shayzien Encampment. 113
PEAK REFLEX Flax keeper Flax field south of Seers' Village. 676
PEATY PERT Party Pete Falador Party Room None
QUE SIR Squire Falador Castle Courtyard 654
R AK MI Karim Al Kharid kebab shop just south of the furnace. 5
RATAI Taria Rimmington bush patch 7
R SLICER Clerris Dense essence mine 738
SAND NUT Dunstan Anvil in north-eastern Burthorpe. 8
TAMED ROCKS Dockmaster Port Piscarilius, building north-east of the general store. 5
THICKNO Hickton Hickton's Archery Emporium in Catherby. Second house east of the bank. 2
UESNKRL NRIEDDO Drunken soldier The Cloak and Stagger tavern in Shayzien. 598
VESTE Steve By the entrance to the Stronghold Slayer Cave. 2