NPCs that drop clue scrolls have a 1/15 chance of dropping one, including impling jars.
The rate of obtaining clue vessels are increased by 10x.
Clue scrolls have the lowest possible amount of steps.
Beginner clues take 1 step.
Easy clues take 2 steps.
Medium clues take 3 steps.
Hard clues take 4 steps.
Elite clues take 5 steps.
Master clues take 6 steps.
Reward caskets will give the maximum amount of reward rolls.
Beginner caskets give 3 rewards.
Easy caskets give 4 rewards.
Medium caskets give 5 rewards.
Hard and Elite caskets give 6 rewards.
Master caskets give 7 rewards.
Upon opening a reward casket, there is a chance that players will receive another reward casket of the same tier; this is more common the lower the tier.
Additionally, there is a chance for the bonus casket to be upgraded to a tier above the one players initially opened.