Corruption spells

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Corruption spells are a category of offensive spells in the Arceuus spellbook. Requiring completion of A Kingdom Divided to use, these spells provide a chance to inflict corruption on the caster's next successful hit. If a player with corruption spells active attacks an opposing player with Ward of Arceuus active, the attacker's corruption spells will remain active until the target's Ward expires, after which the next successful attack post-expiration will roll the chance for corruption.

Players cannot corrupt a player if they are currently corrupted, nor can they do so while the target is under the effects of the Ward of Arceuus spell. There is no immunity period after corruption wears off on a player.

Icon Mobile
Spell Magic Level Runes Experience Corruption
Lesser Corruption Magic 64 1Death 2Soul 75 50%
Greater Corruption Magic 85 1Blood 3Soul 95 50%
