Dragon med helm

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Dragon med helm
Released24 September 2002 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsWear, Drop
ExamineMakes the wearer pretty intimidating.
Value100,000 coins
High alch60,000 coins
Low alch40,000 coins
Weight1.36 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange59,006 coins (info)
Buy limit8
Daily volume10,812
Advanced data
Item ID1149

The dragon med helm is a piece of armour which requires 60 Defence to equip. It was the first piece of dragon armour to be released.

Zulrah, revenants, Sarachnis and some dragons can drop the dragon med helm. Any monster that has access to the standard rare drop table can also drop the dragon med helm. It can also be found in the Barrows chest as a separate item with 1012 rewards potential and all brothers killed.[1]

Offering slightly more defensive power than the helm of neitiznot, the dragon med helm is one of the most powerful non-degradable helmets in the game. However, many players favour other helmets that provide offensive bonuses, or penalise magic attack bonus less. The dragon med helm is often considered less prestigious than other helmets due to its lack of any quest requirements.

As with most Dragon equipment, players cannot make this item using the Smithing skill.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerHead slot table

Treasure Trails

Tier Emotes STASH location Items Cost
Elite Dance South-east corner of the Fishing Platform 201,059
Master Panic South-east corner of Lava Dragon Isle by the big egg 869,962

Item sources

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Date Changes
[[{{#explode:21 April 2021| |0}} {{#explode:21 April 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:21 April 2021| |2}}]]

The medium helmet's ranged attack bonus has been increased from -1 to 0.


  • The ground/inventory model of the item has a different colour and a black stripe around the forehead, compared to when the player wears it.


  1. ^