Lost Soul (The Whisperer)

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Shadow RealmReal world
Lost Soul
Released26 July 2023 (Update)
LocationLassar Undercity
League regionAsgarnia Asgarnia
ExamineWhere did this soul come from?
Advanced data
NPC ID12212

Lost Souls are ghosts summoned by the Whisperer during one of her special attacks, in which twelve will appear chanting different phrases that are only visible in the Shadow Realm. One set must be killed to counter the attack, but players can choose which set to kill for one of the following benefits:

  • Vita! (2 yellow souls): Restores ~20% of the player's hitpoints.
  • Oratio! (3 blue souls): Restores ~20% of the player's prayer points.
  • Sanitas! (3 cyan souls): Restores 15 sanity.
  • Mors! (4 green souls): Deals 50 damage to the Whisperer.

If all of the lost souls are killed, then the damaging effect is increased by 50% for 75 damage. File:The Whisperer - lost souls.mp4

In her awakened fight, an additional spirit is added to each set, and not killing all of the souls will result in her manipulating the chant to act as if it was not disturbed.


The lost souls in the Shadow Realm has several variations, recoloured from a base NPC who is not normally visible:


  • The phrases spoken by the lost souls are all Latin phrases:
    • "Vita" means "Life".
    • "Oratio" means "Speech".
    • "Sanitas" means "Health/Sanity".
    • "Mors" means "Death".