SMW Subobject for NormalMagic defence bonus: 4Examine: He guards the Draynor Market stalls from thieves.Immune to venom: Not immuneAttack bonus: 9Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 24Defence level: 13Heavy range defence bonus: 16NPC ID: 5732Crush defence bonus: 19Release date: 6 June 2005Version anchor: NormalRanged level: 1Attack level: 17Combat level: 20Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Market Guard (Draynor)Magic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 16Attack style: CrushImmune to poison: Not immuneLight range defence bonus: 16Attack speed: 5Hitpoints: 22Image: File:Market Guard (Draynor).pngStandard range defence bonus: 16Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 3Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 14Magic level: 1Name: Market GuardStrength bonus: 7Size: 1Strength level: 18Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
SMW Subobject for Draynor Bank RobberyMagic defence bonus: 4Examine: He guards the Draynor Market stalls from thieves.Immune to venom: Not immuneAttack bonus: 9Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 24Defence level: 13Heavy range defence bonus: 16NPC ID: 2120Crush defence bonus: 19Release date: 23 August 2005Version anchor: Draynor Bank RobberyRanged level: 1Attack level: 17Combat level: 20Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Market Guard (Draynor)Magic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 16Attack style: CrushImmune to poison: Not immuneLight range defence bonus: 16Attack speed: 5Hitpoints: 22Image: File:Market Guard (Draynor).pngStandard range defence bonus: 16Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 3Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 14Magic level: 1Name: Market GuardStrength bonus: 7Size: 1Strength level: 18Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
The Market Guards are guards found in Draynor Village. Unlike regular guards these guards cannot be pickpocketed. One market guard is seen in the Draynor Bank Robbery video attacking Cool Mom227 after she stole from a seed stall.
League region
Draynor Village | 20 | ![Free-to-play](/img_auth.php/Free-to-play_icon.png) | 2 | <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="3252" x="3083" zoom="2" mapID="0">
{"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3083.5,3247.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"0","providerID":0,"group":"pins","icon":"redPin","plane":"0","description":"Monster | Market Guard (Draynor) | Level(s) | 20 |
X/Y: 3083,3247 "}},{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3083.5,3253.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"0","providerID":0,"group":"pins","icon":"redPin","plane":"0","description":"Monster | Market Guard (Draynor) | Level(s) | 20 |
X/Y: 3083,3253 "}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"}
</maplink> | Misthalin✓ |
Item |
Quantity |
Rarity |
Price |
High Alch |
![Bones.png: Market Guard (Draynor) drops Bones with rarity Always in quantity 1](/img_auth.php/Bones.png) | Bones | 1 | Always | 113 | 0 |
This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page. Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.Expression error: Unrecognised word "span".
- The guard is equipped with a sword, however, oddly, his attack style is crush.
NPCs |
Shops |
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