Mark of Darkness

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Mark of Darkness
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Released 16 June 2021 (Update)
Members Yes
Level Magic 59
Spellbook Arceuus
Type Combat
Experience 70
Runes 1Cosmic 1Soul
Casting speed 3 ticks
Quest A Kingdom Divided
Description Makes your offensive Arceuus spells more potent
Sound effect
File:Mark of Darkness.ogg
A Mark of Darkness fading away from the caster.

Mark of Darkness is a spell within the Arceuus spellbook that requires level 59 Magic and the completion of A Kingdom Divided to be cast.

When under the effects of the spell, the caster will gain various buffs for a certain amount of time ( seconds), where is the player's Magic level at the time of casting.

  • The bind chance of grasp spells is doubled, though the bind duration remains the same.
  • Corruption will occur twice as often.
  • Demonbane spells will have an additional 25% damage and 20% accuracy bonus against demons. The damage bonus is applied after any bonus damage from gear.

At level 112 Magic (boosting with an imbued or saturated heart a normal cast of Mark of Darkness will last for 67.2 seconds. The boost can be higher with Overload (+) or smelling salts (boosting up to 126), though this would be rather pointless due to the lack of demon enemies in their respective raids.

When the spell is cast with a purging staff, the duration of the mark will last 5 times longer; at 112 Magic, the mark will instead last for 336 seconds. Additionally, the effects from the mark are doubled; grasp spells and corruption occurs four times as often, and demonbane spells will deal 50% more damage and have 40% additional accuracy against demons (after applicable bonus damage from gear).

Casting the spell results in the message You have placed a Mark of Darkness upon yourself. The player will receive the following message 10 ticks before the spell expires: Your Mark of Darkness is about to run out.. An animation will play when the caster is no longer under the effects of the spell and the player will receive the message Your Mark of Darkness has faded away..


Spell cost
1 1 279


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:24 July 2024| |0}} {{#explode:24 July 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 July 2024| |2}}]]

The spell's duration is now increased by 5x when a purging staff is equipped.

[[{{#explode:30 August 2023| |0}} {{#explode:30 August 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:30 August 2023| |2}}]]
(update | poll)
  • The spell is now a self-casting spell rather than a target-casting spell.
  • The spell's description has been changed; previously, it was "Makes your target vulnerable to the effects of offensive Arceuus spells"
  • Players will now receive a message 10 ticks before Mark of Darkness expires.
[[{{#explode:30 June 2021| |0}} {{#explode:30 June 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:30 June 2021| |2}}]]

An animation will now play when a target is no longer under the effects of the Mark of Darkness spell.