Money making guide/Casting Bones to Bananas

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Casting Bones to Bananas
Magic 15
Water Battlestaff
Water staff (F2P)
ProfitExperience gained
−747,360, after tax Magic 19,500
Inputs (2,562,570)Outputs (1,815,210, after tax)
21,870 × Bones (2,471,310)780 × Nature rune (83,460)1,560 × Earth rune (7,800)21,870 × Banana (1,815,210)

One can cast Bones To Bananas on an inventory of bones to turn them into bananas.

Members can use a Mud battlestaff, which will remove the cost of earth runes and use 1 more slot for converting bones.

The profit for F2P players (who can convert only 26 bones at a time using a Water staff) is −699,660 per hour.

Check the live price and daily volume of items on the Grand Exchange before making large investments in any method.
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