Money making guide/Collecting bronze pickaxes

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Collecting bronze pickaxes from a barrel
Bronze pickaxe
Below Ice Mountain
ProfitExperience gained
130,000, after tax
InputsOutputs (130,000, after tax)
2,000 × Bronze pickaxe (130,000)

Stand in between the barrel in Camdozaal and the bank chest.

  1. Take a bronze pickaxe from the barrel
  2. Drop the bronze pickaxe
  3. Repeat steps 1-2 until there are 27 pickaxes on the floor + one in your inventory
  4. Pick up all bronze pickaxes from the floor
  5. Deposit all bronze pickaxes in the bank chest
  6. Repeat


  • In your settings you can enable Shift+Click to drop items.
  • Use the "Deposit all" button on your bank interface.
  • It is possible to drop a pick and then take the next one in the same tick. When doing this perfectly, you can obtain up to 2,800 pickaxes per hour.

Check the live price and daily volume of items on the Grand Exchange before making large investments in any method.
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